Encyclopedia Britannica Versions Comparison/Evaluation
February 2000
1. To access the KCVL contracted Encyclopedia Britannica:
- Access the following URL: http://www.kyvl.org:8000/
- Click on Go
- Scroll down the screen to see the three non-Z39.50 compliant databases at the bottom of the screen.
- Click on Encyclopedia Britannica in the middle
2. To access the KCVL contracted Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate:
- Access the following URL: http://www.kyvl.org:8000/
- Click on Go
- Scroll down the screen to see the three non-Z39.50 compliant databases at the bottom of the
- Click on Encyclopedia Britannica in the middle
- Click on the EBI in the upper right hand corner of the screen
3. To access the free version of the Encyclopedia Britannica:
- Access the following URL: http://www.kyvl.org
- Click on Virtual Reference Desk
- Click on Encyclopedias which is beside General Reference
- Click on Encyclopaedia Britannica
- Or go to directly to: http://www.britannica.com/
Return all data either electronically by clicking on the "submit" button below
or mailing a paper copy to
David Horvath
Ekstrom Library
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
[email protected]
By Monday, February 28, 2000
The Form below is to be used to rate three Encyclopedia Britannica versions for comparison purposes. Please do a minimum of three (3) searches within each version and use the identical searches across the three versions:
KCVL Contracted Encyclopedia Britannica as accessed under (1) from above.
This version is ad free, obtained through a license fee/ contractual arrangement
and is subsequently access protected. |
KCVL Contracted Encyclopedia Britannica Intermediate as accessed under
(2) from above. This version is geared toward elementary through high school
students, faculty and staff. This version is ad free, obtained through a
license fee/contractual arrangement and is subsequently access protected.
Free version accessible by anyone from anywhere. For ease of access,
it can be accessed by using method (3) from above. It contains ads. |

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