Collections Subcommittee Minutes
Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual Library
Collections Subcommittee Minutes
Jan 25, 2000
Present: Janet Brewer, James Burgett, Jackie Calvert, Diane Culbertson, Charlene Davis, David Horvath, Elaine Moore, Carol Nutter, Miko Pattie, Catherine Reilender, Sheila Stuckey, Teri Weil
Ida Cornette will joining the committee as a representative from the public libraries.
The new tri-chairs are: Charlene Davis, David Horvath, and Diane Culbertson with Charlene serving as the lead chair.
- Britannica
- We have until the end of March to decide if we are going to keep the paid version
- The free version of Britannica is available under the Virtual Reference Desk, under General & Reference
- Please take some time to look at both versions and evaluate them
- At this time, access is NOT available to remote users, Britannica is working on this problem
- PsycInfo
- At this time, we have no written verification that the back files were part of the contract
- Evaluation
- There is a comparison form that was used for database selection, it will be adapted evaluation purposes. Please use it to evaluate the trial version and the free version of Britannica. It will be sent out to everyone. Send forms back to David by Feb 28th.
- Vendors
- It was decided that vendors will not attend the committees meetings at this time
- Statistics
- We are still working with vendors to get the statistics that we need.
- We can have user communities, but not by database
- We can have total Gateway and total institution
- The handouts included WebZ statistics for 11/01/99 - 11/30/99 and 12/01/99 - 12/31/99
- Handouts
- The operating budget for 1999-2000 and 2000-2001
- Budget break down by vendor
- Break down by user group
- Contributions by individual institution
- Stacey Nichols from Paducah Community College will appear in a Feb Chronicle of Higher Education
- Next meeting is scheduled for March 7th at 1:00
This page was last updated February 4, 2000.

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