Collections Subcommittee Minutes
Collection Development
Meeting Minutes
Present: Pattie, Davis, Reilender, Williams, Burgett, Cornett, Culbertson,
Ellis, Horvath, Moore, Nutter, Brewer
Encyclopaedia Britannica
- The evaluation results were discussed
- The evaluation presented no real difference between the trial and free version
- The chief problem was that the free version is slow
- It was decided that we will not get the paid version of Britannica
As a result of the Britannica evaluation, a discussion of encyclopedias began.
- Culbertson says that K-12 would like to a quality encyclopedia that will
meet their needs
- The Kentucky Encyclopedia might be available online in the near future
- The database comparison/evaluation form was discussed
- Possibly improving it for future use
- We discussed putting a satisfaction survey up on the Gateway
- Horvath's institution is working on a survey
- He is willing to share these questions via email so that we can start putting
together our survey
- Because we will not be getting Britannica, that leaves a little money
- Pattie will investigate purchasing the back files to PsychInfo (we currently
get 1984-Present)
Other Business
- User statistics by the 5 user communities from EBSCO was distributed
- This information will be place on the Gateway
- The proposed list of databases (7/29/98) was discussed
- The courier service, Voyager, and SiteSearch were discussed
- Institutions should provide hot links to the KCVL Gateway on their top web
- The status of KLN was discussed
- There are several private schools and special institutions that would like
to join KCVL
- The RFP process for 2000/2001 will have begin soon
This page last updated: 4/21/00

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