Government Information Access Subcommittee Minutes
KCVL Government Information Access Subcommittee
Present: Gary Austin, Larry Besant, Beverly Daly, Sharon Marsh, Glen
McAninch, Sandra McAninch, Rosemary Meszaros, Bill Richardson, and Eric
Guest: Teri Keller
1. Strategies for integration of GIA resource access with other KCVL research tools.
- look at Gateway subjects to see if GIA bar will use same or needs to be expanded.
- Bill will be liaison from GIA-for now stick with agency listing.
- subject searching is a start, but more sophisticated searching may be necessary.
- Gary presented the federal GOVBOT search engine as a possible prototype for state searching. Eric indicated there were products available such as SWISH-E (Berkeley) that could do web site searching. For now we will keep it simple and let KCVL staff help later.
- no course should be offered without a librarian from the institution or a reference librarian from KCVL or both being involved in determining GIA applications relevant to the course and the professor teaching the course. Tutorials with pathfinders are needed for the library component.
- GIA should be involved in coordinating the cataloging of electronic govt information resources. UK loads the cataloging for its depository titles into the UK OPAC, but GPO controls content and fields used for electronic formats. Non-depository items on the web are fugitives and may not be catalogued. Sandee estimates 3000 FDLP electronic titles exist. We may want to come up with a list of "core" electronic US that most institutions would want to have in their OPACs (agenda item for a later meeting). UK also catalogs the current state documents, and KDLA responsible for 1995 to date paper titles but electronic titles not being cataloged at KDLA.
KLA-GODORT needs to participate directly in GIA and the KDLA cataloger needs to be
- Bill will identify all current electronic titles and give a progress report on how many of these state documents have 856 links or need these links. Each institution can add these 856 fields to their existing opac records.
2. Digitization Plans.
- Eric and Bill submitted detailed plans and Eric explained the Electronic Information Access and Management Center's role with the Kentuckiana Digital Library. KDLA provides the image and meta data for state publications and KCVL staff will maintain the GIA database.
- logistical problems and work load problems exist and the Center cannot maintain two databases. Using the server at UK speeds up access to state files rather than using the KCVL server.
- Beverly discussed loading census tapes and getting comparable files from 1970 through 2000. Only the 2000 census will be web based, earlier ones DOS. The following contacts may be able to provide information on states who have solved this problem:
- Thomas J. Berti, Division Chief, Internet Technology e-mail: [email protected]
- David Raszewski, Computer Specialist, Internet Technology Staff e-mail: [email protected]
- They both can be reached by telephone at 301-457-2157 or by writing:
- U.S. Census Bureau, 4700 Silver Hill Road, Room 1364 Building 3, Washington, DC 20233
Other possible contacts:
- Marian E. Brady, American Factfinder Staff Telephone:301-457-4102 e-mail: [email protected]
- Mark E. Wallace, Economic Planning & Coordination Division e-mail: [email protected] Telephone: 301-457-2621
- no funding for federal conversion will be asked for at this time.
- Gary will investigate several possible contacts that may have reformatted earlier census tapes and he will work on questions. Beverly volunteered to follow-up with these.
- The Subcommittee members expressed their appreciation for Eric and Bill's reports and for Gary and Beverly's efforts.
- GIA is different from Kentuckiana: publications are in different formats (PDF mainly but no state standards), accessing data different, and having to update files. The Center is committed to Kentuckiana and the workload will increase over time. KDLA might investigate loading files remotely. Where do older state publications go-GIA or Kentuckiana? Don't want to have two different formats (HTML, PDF, etc.)
- Bill will put a dollar amount on digitizing the core list items.
- Someone will need to be responsible for maintaining the database and Gateway megadata.
- separate consultants will look at scanning standards, EAD, and database design for Kentuckiana. Earlier RFP not filled. GIA needs to clarify and define needs and submit request for consultant(s).
- Larry will check with Miko on next step. Separate digitization committee may be formed and GIA members involved in this area would move to it.
3. KCVL Orientation.
- problem with KDLA frames not citing actual web page-stays on KDLA site. HTML issue and involves server not using frame. Page should be edited so link opens a new browser window.
- Sandee indicated that linking ISBN/ISSN numbers doesn't work very well for government information and ERIC documents. Use ERIC ED number or Sudocs classification. Kentucky documents have no access point.
- Gary mentioned that results list displays only titles and should have bibliographic list like the other databases.
- Education missing as a subject. Current list may well need to be revised after database or interface design team comes up with the basic subject list.
4. Subcommittee Responsibilities and Leadership.
- some members may be moving to a separate Digitization Subcommittee when it is formed.
- KCVL staff member must be assigned to receive suggestions regarding GIA links and also be responsible for GIA database management.
- Sandee stepping down as co-chair and Larry wants to step down as chair. Miko will be asked to seek some one else.
- KLA/GODORT officers should be members of GIA.
- it was decided that Jim Edwards would be welcome to stay on GIA if he is willing to participate (he is still with state government, but not as librarian).
Meeting adjourned at 12:45 p.m.
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, August 25th at Frankfort (KPE or KDLA) time and
place will be confirmed as soon as possible.
Last updated: 9-21-99

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