Kentuckiana Subcommittee Minutes

CVL Kentuckiana Collections Subcommittee Meeting
February 5, 1999

Attending: Miko Pattie (CVL), Betsy Morelock (KY State), Nancy Lewis (KY State), Margaret Roberts (Scott Co. H.S.), Mary Winter (KY Historical Soc.), Charles Hay (EKU), Bill Richardson (KDLA), Sue Lynn Stone (WKU),Shannon Wilson (Berea), Weston Thompson (UK), Eric Weig (UK), Robert Gripe (Southeast C.C.), Jim Powers (Boyd Co. Public Lib.), Mary Margaret Bell (UL), Clara Keyes (Morehead)

Meeting called to order at 9:35 by Mary Margaret Bell and Clara Keyes, who were co-chairing the meeting in the absence of Marcia Myers.

Report on joint meeting with GIA: see minutes.

Report on pilot project possibilities:

Thompson introduced Weig, Electronic Resources Librarian, and architect of UK's Electronic Information Access & Management Center. Group noted that CVU would be unveiled in mid-May and we should have pilot in place then.

Weig and Thompson briefly discussed work already in place at UK. Pattie and Keyes reviewed concept of pilot within the context of the CVL Kentuckiana area. Group agreed that UK would have some relevant materials on-line by mid-May, but that it would be best to identify one collection in particular to highlight for the pilot -- a collection with special appeal to the target audience. After some discussion, the group agreed to use the Albert "Happy" Chandler collection. A work group was defined (Keyes, Richardson, Thompson, Weig, Lewis, and Winter) to guide the pilot project.

The work group will meet at the W.T. Young Library circulation desk at 9:30 on February 12, 1999.

Introductions were made.

Meeting times: the group discussed the possibility of establishing a regular meeting time.

Report on School for Scanning:

Bell noted that literary- and copyrights were highlighted as major issue. Bell also commented on the large staffing requirements which conference leaders laid out for digitizing projects. Stone reported that metadata was a major concern, and that the intellectual work (selection, cataloging) would require the time of trained professionals more so than the actual scanning. Stone felt that this pointed out the need for statewide training on finding aid content standards and the role of metadata.

Winter pointed out the need to bring satellite institutions up to the level of the larger institutions through training. Pattie emphasized that the initial funding would be for planning and training. During this discussion, Hay reminded members that the spring Kentucky Council on Archives meeting would feature a presentation on the HELIOS project, which might be of interest to this group and our funders as an example of how the technology works.

Other reports:

Bell reported that she had given a progress report to the State Historical Records Advisory Board regarding the NHPRC planning grant. The NHPRC grant group will also give an update at the spring KCA meeting.

Consultants and Project Manager positions:

Pattie provided copies of the latest version of the advertisements. Thompson and Bell will work with Pattie and GIA representatives to reviewing applicants.

Next meeting: Friday, March 26, 1:00 (EST), Frankfort/CPE:

The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 to reconvene as a joint meeting with GIA.


Joint Meeting of the Kentuckiana and Government Information Access Subcommittees

Attending (in addition to above): Beverly Daly (UL), Carrie Stephenson (Union), Lisa Russell (UL), Sharon Marsh (EKU), Perry Bratcher (NKU), Philip Yannarella (NKU), Jim Edwards, Charles Robb (KDLA), Doug Robinson (KIRMC), Larry Besant (Morehead), Gary Austin (Morehead)

The joint meeting was called to order at 10:45

  1. Discussion of Digitization Consultant RFP:
  2. The group discussed the advertisement, suggesting revised wording in the second paragraph, the use of "consultants" in favor of "consultant," and noting the need for a new "review begins" date. Approved by a show of hands.

  3. Project Manager Advertisement:
  4. The group discussed the advertisement, noting the need for a new "review begins" date. Pattie pointed out that we have been advised to seek an in-state applicant. Due to the temporary nature of the position, the state need not advertise it. All interested parties should speak with Pattie as soon as possible. Approved by show of hands.

  5. Time Frame:
  6. The group agreed to fast-track both advertisements, with some preference to have the Project Manager on board first.

  7. Search Group: 
  8. Pattie will work with Thompson, Bell, Robb, and Edwards to review applicants and consultation proposals.

Meeting adjourned at 11:20.


This page was last updated on February 9, 1999.


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