CVL Kentuckiana Collections Subcommittee Meeting
July 16, 1999
Members present:
Mary Margaret Bell, Clara Keyes, Ling-yuh (Miko) Pattie, Sue Lynn Stone, Bill Richardson, Eric Weig, Mary Winter, Betsy Morelock, Charles Hay. Miko introduced Terry Tucker, Information Services Officer at Kentucky Education Television, who was attending at the requestion of Virginia Fox, KET Executive Director. Charles Hay announced that Lee Van Orsdel will begin her work as Director of Eastern Kentucky University Libraries on August 2, 1999.
Old Business:
Information was requested for updating the membership list. A brief discussion of Eric Weig and Mary Margaret Bell's Orientation presentation on July 13th concluded that feedback and comments had proven useful.
New Business:
Mary Margaret Bell reported on the collections' selection survey completed by the NHPRC Planning Grant committee. Discussion on inclusion of the technical colleges, community colleges, and public libraries concluded that the Kentucky Guide Project would be a useful source in identifying collections for inclusion. Miko Pattie recommended copying Paul Fuller and Sharon Miller on correspondence with KCTCS participants. Clara Keyes and Mary Margaret Bell will submit a report of the findings of the collections survey.
Eric Weig commented on the SOLINET's proposal for Kentucky Statewide Digitization Project dated June 23, 1999. Eric questioned the nature of statewide training within the context of the subcommittee's current understanding (agreed to on June 24th) that a centralized approach would be necessary within our time restraints. Eric stated that the subcommittee still needed to resolve workflow issues (most particularly the mode of transportation of collections to the center at University of Kentucky).
The subcommittee thanked Eric Weig for drafting "KCVL Digitization Project: Planning, Implementation and Management for the 1st Year Period and Beyond." Having reviewed the plan, the group reached consensus that EAD would be utilized in cataloging. All agreed that institutions could decide whether an image collection had a collection level record only or records for each image. The discussion turned to the availability of resources already in electronic format. In order to create the critical mass within our time frame, such resources will be of great value.
Eric's recommendation was that a backend server would be necessary if the Kentuckiana Digital Library served audio and video. He announced that, in his investigation of hardware, IBM would discount from $25,000 to $15,000 a dual processor backend server with 2 Pentium 500 processors (capable of expanding to 4 processors), 90 GB (expandable to 456 GB), hot swap, 6 internal bays, 10 external bays, 1 GB RAM, and an ATM card (creating a traffic free connection). Due to the purchase being a part of the KCVU project, not only is the substantial discount available, but the base package includes extra equipment.
The discussion then turned to the RFPs for EAD Expert Consultant, Scanning and Imaging Expert Consultant, and Digital Library Database Design Expert Consultant. Utilizing the draft RFPs which Eric Weig had submitted, the subcommittee's concern centered on the strigent timetable necessary to produce a critical mass by June 30, 2000. After much discussion, it was agreed that Eric would make modifications in the RFPs for a consulting expertise and e-mail them to subcommittee members. Consensus was that modifications could be made via e-mail and further meetings would be needed when RFPs were reviewed for awarding.
This page was last updated on September 21, 1999.
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