CVL Marketing Subcommittee
February 24, 1999
CPE Board Room, Frankfort, KY
PRESENT: Judy Burdine (Chair), Keith Kappes, Debbie
McGuffey, Kelly Reed, Carolyn Tassie, Sande Gray Thacker, Jim Nelson, Miko Pattie
ABSENT: Betsy Brinson
Members introduced themselves -- Judy, a member of the CVL Steering Committee, represents public libraries; Keith, V.P. in development from Morehead, represents comprehensive universities; Sande, public relations, UK Information Systems, represents research universities; Carolyn, Transylvania, represents independent universities and colleges and the Kentucky Library Association (Chair); Kelly, KDLA, represents the state library; and, Debbie represents CPE; (Betsy, as an independent researcher, represents the public at large.)
Keith reported that the CVU Marketing Work Group, of which he is a member, has not met yet. In a Cambridge scope meeting on CVU marketing that both Keith and Miko attended, there were a lot of unanswered questions on how to market CVU programs. As CVL serves CVU and beyond, Keith thought that the marketing of CVL needs to be integrated into CVU marketing but goes further, but we need to be cautious not to let the tail wag the dog.
The handouts include the committee charge as approved by the Steering Committee, membership list, a fact sheet on CVL, CVL user profile, CVL timeline, press releases of Mary Beth Susman as CVU CEO and Miko as CVL Director, and a CVL chronology. Miko reviewed these briefly with the group.
Miko reminded the group of what Gordon wants in order for him to be our spokesperson. When he met with the Steering Committee Nov. 13, he told us that he needs:
This subcommittee will be responsible to gather the info on #2. CVU Pilot projects might give us some info on this.
It was decided to use Miko's fact sheet as the base and for members to get revisions to her before March 5, Friday. Miko then will revise the fact sheet and send to members for reaction. The final copy is to be approved by the Steering Committee March 19.
It was moved and approved that CPE leadership immediately considers seeking the service of a marketing firm to develop a coordinated marketing plan for CVU and CVL.
March 24, Wednesday, 1:30 - 3:30, CPE Board Room
This page was last updated on March 8, 1999.
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