CVL Marketing Subcommittee
April 7, 1999
CPE Board Room, Frankfort, KY
Present: Judy Burdine (Chair), Betsy Brinson, Ron Harrell (EKU), Keith Kappes, Debbie McGuffey, Miko Pattie, Garry Redmon (Creative Services), Kelly Reed, Carolyn Tassie, Sande Thacker
The minutes of the March 24, 1999, meeting were approved.
KCVU/KCVL Groundbreaking
Plans for the May 17 KCVU/KCVL groundbreaking in Louisville were discussed. Miko announced that the ceremony would be video-streamed, meaning that it will be carried live over the Internet. She said that this would be in addition to a Star Channel hook-up through KET. Local libraries and postsecondary institutions will be encouraged to stage local events and to invite their community leaders to attend. Keith emphasized the importance of inviting state legislators in an effort to gain their support in the 2000 General Assembly. CPE staff will prepare a letter giving the details of the groundbreaking and will share this information with KDLA for dissemination to the public libraries. A letter will also be sent (by CPE) to the library directors at the public and independent colleges and universities. Copies of these letters will be sent to the presidents of those institutions. The groundbreaking is being held in conjunction with a faculty development conference sponsored by CPE. Miko told the committee that on May 18, the morning following the groundbreaking, a demonstration site will be available to conference participants that will feature all the functions of KCVL (digitizing project, Endeavor, tutorials, etc.). Miko will meet soon with the six public libraries that will be involved in document delivery and will encourage them to stage a local event around the groundbreaking. Judy and Miko also will attend the April 22 Business Session of the Public Library Section of the Kentucky Library Association to provide information about the groundbreaking and to encourage participation.
Q & A Fact Sheet
It was decided to amend the Fact Sheet approved at the last meeting in order to clarify that a KCVL user must be authorized and given a password in order to access KCVL resources and services.
Logo, Brochure, and Decal
Garry presented three ideas for logos for KCVL and KCVU. The group liked all three but in the end agreed by vote to recommend to Mary Beth Susman the teal and purple triangle design. Teal and purple were also the preferred colors. Garry agreed to convert the logo into a design for the Web to see whether the teal and purple combination would have enough contrast to be effective. Next, Garry provided two brochure designs. The group preferred the one with the computer sketch on the front. Final design will depend upon the selection of the logo. Garry left a cost estimate for printing the brochures with Miko. Garry also presented designs for the decals to be affixed to the KCVL computers in the libraries, but no decisions were made.
Next Meeting
Judy will contact Miko to select a date for the next meeting. There is interest in meeting jointly with the KCVU Marketing Subcommittee, but that group has not yet set a meeting date.
This page was last updated on September 22, 1999.
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