1. Introduction:
Each member made a brief introduction of who he(she) is and what institution/constituents he(she) represents.
2. Operational Issues for CVL Steering Committee:
2.1. Meeting Schedule: It was decided that a monthly meeting be held on the 1st Friday of the month at 1:00-4:00 p.m. For the months of July and August, the meeting will be held on July 31, Friday, in conjunction with NCLIVE's presentation. The regularly scheduled monthly meetings will start in Sept. (9/4/98) Other meetings will be scheduled as needed.3. Proposed Planning and Policy Committee:
2.2. Ground Rules for Meetings: It was suggested to add the following to the draft under "Logistics": "Information packets for meetings are to be sent a week prior to meetings." All agreed that observing these rules will help expedite meetings and meet our tight timelines.
2.3. Confirmation of Small Groups and Composition:2.3.1. Name: It was moved and approved that Small Groups be called "Subcommittees" acting in an advisory capacity to the Steering Committee.
2.3.2. Composition: It was suggested that the draft composition be revised as follows: "1 each from 2 doctoral institutions (2); 2 from comprehensive institutions;1 from KCTCS; 1 from AICKU; 1 from public libraries; 1 from school libraries; 1 from KLN (elected from KLN Board) or KDLA as appropriate; 1 from Steering Committee (if not already included from above)" This is to be considered as suggested guidelines and the composition needs to remain flexible. The Steering Committee reserves the right to determine the subcommittee memberships.
2.3.3. Memberships: It was decided that the Steering Committee member volunteered to serve in each subcommittee will be the chair and Miko will facilitate meetings. The following are the chairs of subcommittees: Marian -- Collections; Mike -- Document Delivery; Larry -- Government Information Access; Hannelore -- Information Literacy; Marcia -- Kentuckiana; Coy -- Technology All Steering Committee members are to give Miko names for all 6 subcommittees by next Monday, June 15. Miko then will send the list to members for approval.
The following were moved and approved:
3.1. The draft charge and composition be accepted with the following revisions:4. CVL Elements as Delineated in Bill Potter's Report:3.1.1. Revise the name "Committee" to "Subcommittee"3.2. The list of names as appeared in the draft be added for the initial membership for the Planning and Policy Subcommittee.
3.1.2. Revise the term "regional institutions " to "comprehensive institutions"
3.1.3. Take out list of names
The prioritized list on page 6 of Bill's report is accepted:
4.1. Electronic Database Access: This includes 2 elements in the report: core journals (A & I and Fulltext) and other reference databases.5. Charge as Delineated in Bill Potter's Report:
4.2. Document Delivery: This includes contract courier service for books and Ariel system for journal articles.
4.3. Information Literacy & Training
4.4. Electronic Access to Kentucky-Oriented Information: This includes government information access and Kentuckiana collections.
5.1. 14. Issues in Bill's Report: It was suggested that 2 more issues be added:6. CVL Timelines:
15. Advocate and support enhancing local infrastructure to facilitate seamless access to online information resources, including library catalogs
16. Develop partnership with faculty to support Commonwealth Virtual University on issues such as, reference help desk, electronic reserve, course pack design, course design, faculty development, etc.
5.2. Responsible Bodies for 16 Issues:
5.2.1. Collections Subcommittee: # 4, 5, 6It was further decided that the new Planning and Policy Subcommittee work on recommendations on an appropriate structure and strategy for # 16 -- the faculty partnership.
5.2.2. Document Delivery Subcommittee: # 10
5.2.3. Government Information Access Subcommittee: # 12
5.2.4. Information Literacy Subcommittee: # 9
5.2.5. Kentuckiana Collections Subcommittee: # 12
5.2.6. Technology Subcommittee: # 5, 7, 15
5.2.7. Steering Committee: # 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16
Miko asked for approval for the tentative timelines that have been established by Collections (To be implemented on Jan. 1, 1999) and Document Delivery (To be implemented on April 1, 1999). They were approved. This will serve as roadmaps for subcommittee work. All agreed that CVL needs to be in place to meet SACS accreditation requirements.
7. Strategy for June 17 DLAC Meeting:
All are urged to communicate our need for timely funding to presidents or representatives that will attend the June 17 meeting. Miko will schedule a meeting for Steering Committee with Bill Potter after CVL report is presented next Wed.
8. Miko Continuing as Coordinator:
In order to continue the CVL planning, the Committee fully supported UK's proposal of having Miko working full time at CPE until December 31, 1998.
9. CVL Funding:
Dennis made the announcement after attending another meeting this morning that broad CVL funding will probably be established late June or 1st week of July. Detailed budget then will follow.
This page was last updated June 30, 1998.
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