PRESENT: Jim Nelson (Chair), Mike Binder, Jackie White, Paul Willis, Judy Burdine, Kathleen Bryson, Dennis Taulbee, Miko Pattie
ABSENT: Dave Ballard, Larry Besant, Jackie Calvert, Fran Davis, Bill Hansen, Coy Harmon, Karen McDaniel, Marcia Myers, Hannelore Rader, Marian Winner
GUESTS: Tari Keller, Sharon Miller, Paul Fuller, Charlene Davis, Ken Walker
Members recommended the group composition as follows:
Judy Burdine, Chair; Sandy Gray, Information Systems, UK; Keith Kappes, Vice President for University Relations, Morehead; Kelly Reed, KDLA, Debbie McGuffey (Thomas), CPE, and Carolyn Tassie, Transylvania, Chair of KLA. Jim and Judy will confirm and get the group together soon.
Dennis reported on the timeline for the 2 RFPs:
2.1. Database RFP: This should be out to the Purchasing Division by Jan. 15.
2.2. Ground Courier Service RFP: This should be out to the Purchasing by Jan. 22.
Dennis reported on Ameritech's concern on our selection of Endeavor and meetings with state officials on this issue. We are still waiting for Jane's proposal. To remain on target, servers need to be ready by end of Jan. The MOA is still to be revised as there are more suggestions made.
The CVL budget item $800K for acquiring workstations to access CVU/CVL needs an allocation scheme. Some suggested to base it on FTE while some would like to fill the KCTCS needs first. The Technology Subcommittee is to come up with recommendations on specifications and allocation scheme in their Jan. 22 meeting. Paul W. recommended for us not to skimp on specifications as user needs rise with retrieval of full text images. Dennis asked members to communicate the needs to the campus representatives on the CVU Technology Work Group as CPE will consult the work group prior to the approval of this purchase.
Jim announced the selection of Dr. Mary Beth Susman, the President of the Colorado Electronic Community College and the Executive Director of the Education Technology Center in Denver, as the CVU CEO as of Feb. 1, 1999 and distributed the CPE press release. During her visit here, she was quite impressed with the CVL development as an integral part of CVU.
Dennis announced that Miko has been officially appointed as the CVL Director as of Jan. 1, 1999. It was Gordon's decision to move forward with this in light of our ambitious timeline and what we have accomplished so far. Paul commented that Miko had to sever her ties with UK in order to take this position. All gave Miko a round of applause.
Mike raised the issue of the inclusion of CVU instructional materials in the ground courier service RFP.
Dennis stated that it is appropriate to do so. Paul mentioned that the courier service (PonyExpress) contracted by the consortium of UK, UTK and Vanderbilt uses bags and does not require wrapping.
Technology -- Tari Keller
Tari distributed a brief message she sent to subcommittee members that describes some of the tasks they will undertake. They will work on specifications and allocation scheme for workstations Jan.22.
8. Database Contracts -- Dennis:
Members asked for a projected timeline for databases so they could do budget planning. Dennis stated that, with the best scenario, RFP can be out in the street by Feb. 15; decision made by March 31; contract signed in April.
9. CVL Budget -- Ken Walker:
Miko distributed the 2 versions of the CVL implementation budget that are based on the CPE-approved budget: one is the exact match and one is with the local maintenance cost taken out of both the revenue and the expense parts.
Miko asked what we should do to fill the gap if CVL does not come up in April. All agreed that we will use the CVL budget to pay for the remaining months of this fiscal year.
For non-FS libraries, the current allocation scheme will be applied. These additional contributions will be added to the revenue side and allocated to databases for the 1999-2000 budget. Miko estimated that it'll be $17,700 for KCTCS and $900 for LCC. Charlene will work on the public libraries' additional contributions.
Ken would prefer to allocate $ to institutions to purchase workstations. Standards will need to be set up centrally by CPE in order to meet the needs of CVU/CVL.
Paul proposed for Miko to post updates to members in between meetings as things are happening very fast.
This page was last updated January 13, 1999.
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