Endeavor Consortium Work Group Minutes

February 8, 2001

Present: Titus Anderson, Dave Block , Ilona Burdette, Charlene Davis, Rose Davis, John Detwiler, Gary Flanagan, Paul Fuller, Tari Keller, Todd King, Stacey Nickell, Cindy Page,. Miko Pattie, Elsie Pritchard, Nelda Sims, Keith Stevenson, Kelly Vickery, Linda Voyles, Gerry Williams, Margaret Willingham,

Introductions:  The ECWG welcomes Ilona Burdette from St. Catherine's College, and Titus Anderson from the computing center at the University of Louisville.

Miko Pattie announced: Terri Weil and Tammie Clemments were leaving KYVL, and if anyone knows of people who would be interested in their positions please tell them to send resumes or spread the word on pertinent listservs.

Invoice Timetables: Linda stated that there was 12 months maintenance at no charge. Most consortium libraries were in phase I in April, and most were in phase 3 in December. Billing will begin after all are installed -- now most are in maintenance mode. Endeavor usually has quarterly billing. ECWG agrees to maintain the quarterly billing model. Endeavor usually sends invoice to accounting and/or the primary contact librarian for each institution. Each institution needs to decide how they want this done. Please email Gail Seldess, CFO of Endeavor and tell her who to send the invoice to. About 4 members of the ECWG are behind on their invoice payments, and Linda will send this list to Miko who will post it on the KYVL consortium. Many members agree that it is best to send the invoice to the primary library contact in each institution. Some members have not received an invoice.

Certification 300 training. U of L will host Voyager Cert 300 level training on Feb 27 & 28. This the first time Endeavor has offered this training away from their home office, for which we are grateful. Announcement will be posted on Support Web of the availability and posted on regional listservs. Contact Cindy Page at U of L for parking, but must register for the training with Endeavor--when training is announced. ECWG members must mention on the registration that training fees will come out of KYVL consortium account. Following members will have reserved spots:

Morehead 0
Murray 0
UK 2
UL 2
Western 1


Miko needs to double check with Murray and KSU to ensure that they do want this training. Keith wanted to know if 99.11 would be the system that we would train on? Linda assured him that the architecture between the 2000 and previous version where the same, but she would check with Kay if it would be possible to get AIX 2000 on the test server for the February 300 certification training.

Conference call between the system administrators of the 2 Kentucky hubs and Carol, on Tuesday, February 13th.

Training for February, 20th through the 23rd: Trainers will be Chad Zart and Marjorie Vloss.




WebVoyage and Z39.50 Feb 20 11-14

U of L

E-reserves Feb 21  


WebVoyage and Z39.50 Feb 22 11-13


Bulk Load and EDI Feb 23  

Double booking conflict between UK and Moorehead on February, 23; Elsie will graciously relinquish the date, if another date and time can be found for Moorehead. Linda will check into rescheduling Moorehead's training sessions.

Miko indicated that the training account would move from U of L to KYVL to better track the number of days and dollars amount remaining for the different training needs of the consortium members. Current training status is based on the spreadsheet that Miko emailed dated 11/14/2000. Linda urged that if training was held at individual institutions where attendance would be low that we open up seats to other consortium members. Nelda requested that a day of training be set a side for Acquisitions 2000, and there seemed to be a general consensus among consortium members for this at every institution. Linda would send potential follow-up days for Acquisitions 2000 training to [email protected] -- first week in May appeared to hold the greatest potential.

Upgrade: May 14-16 would be the East Lib upgrade to Voyager AIX 2000, and May 21-23 would be West Lib upgrade.

Calendar: Miko offered to post on the web a calendar of Voyager Consortium events; this will be found on KYVL consortium working group pages. The calendar would indicate upgrades, meetings, training (with events and places held indicated) and other events important to the consortium. Meeting minutes would be relied on for calendar information and members should send requests for calendar postings to [email protected].

Test Server: Linda sent "Overview of Continuous OPAC" and another document out to the Kentucky hub sites yesterday -- this is the latest documentation on continuous OPAC. If assistance is desired in upgrading test servers Endeavor will provide that assistance, but customers with production system problems will get priorities.

ECWG members will need to schedule continuous OPAC usage and other test server uses. Keith will keep a clean back up of the system as delivered, and will start all test server users in this mode. Everyone will have the same access account, so there will be, essentially, one-at-a-time usage of the test server. Users must load their own test records. The license calls for a maximum of 250,000 volumes/bib records on the test server. It was suggested each member load smaller segments of their desired test records for concurrent usage. Request to use the test server should be scheduled in advance (one week in advance is desirable) and requests should be posted to [email protected]. If members get no response on the listserv for a request then this will be considered an answer of YES to the request. Any conflicts should be handled on the [email protected], and scheduled uses will be posted to the new calendar (see Calendar, above). Test server is found at http://testlib.kyvl.org .

To Infinity, and beyond: Linda announced that 2000 AIX, went into general release. She urged everyone to look through Jane Burke's ALA presentation found from the "What's new" link on support web. Voyager 2001 will have 2 releases -- one in the Summer and one at year end. Each release will focus on specific aspects or modules of Voyager, and customers can always opt not to load a release.

Archive Logging: Keith discussed the possibility of turning on archive logging. Now that no one on East lib or West lib is in implementation we can turn on archive logging. This feature could provide up to the minute restores if the system should fail. However, if this feature is activated then large bulk loads need to be coordinated with the system administrators (Keith Stevenson or Dave Block) because it will not work well during bulk loads.

Discussions between KYVL and the Kentucky Historical Society (Bill Strout) and with Midway College (Kathy Reilander) on the possibility of joining the consortium are continuing.

OPAC Logging: Gary raised the possibility of turning on OPAC logging. Several member libraries indicated that their directors might be interested in this feature. Elsie indicated that it will use a lot of memory and possibly other system resources. If this feature were turned on there would need to be a hardware upgrade. There was a consensus that the possibility be investigated, but we will need to examine what the affect on system resource and performance would be, and the expense of an upgrade would be. Those interested in turning on OPAC logging need to contact Miko.

An ILL wind blows: Farwell Downing is coming to UK on February, 14 to demo their interlibrary loan software VDX for potential use by KUDZU. Linda wanted to know if we would like a demonstration of Citation Server and ILL modules of Voyager. The possibility of having KVUG host it was discussed. Potential dates could be June 6th or 7th (8th was out because of KSUG at Western). Kelly will bring this to the attention of the KVUG officiers.

Preview server is now available for each institution at http://preview-{institution}.kyvl.org ;

eg. http://preview-uky.kyvl.org.


Respectfully submitted by Kelly Vickery 2/9/01

last updated: 2/12/01


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