Council on Postsecondary Education
Kentucky Virtual University /Kentucky Virtual Library

KYVU/KYVL Programmer/Analyst

The Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE), an agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, seeks flexible, dynamic, and knowledgeable individuals to assist with the on-going operation of the Kentucky Virtual University (KYVU) and the Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL). The KYVL is a statewide electronic library created to support the KYVU and lifelong learning opportunities for citizens of the Commonwealth. This position will work with KYVU programming staff and the CPE Technology Unit to plan, develop, and implement computer-based information systems in a networked environment. This position is responsible for defining and developing requirements and for designing and implementing systems to meet the changing needs of the virtual university and the library. The Programmer/Analyst primarily performs duties under the direct supervision of the KYVL Director.

A bacculaureate degree and two years experience in the library or information field is required. The applicant must have considerable knowledge in systems analysis and design and considerable skills in high-level programming languages, preferably SQL, Perl, Java, ASP. A working knowledge of the UNIX operating system, Internet services, HTML, and other Web tools is essential. Basic understanding of ANSI/NISO Z39.50 protocols and metadata, e.g., Dublin Core or MARC records, is desirable. Other desirable qualities are: excellent customer service skills, organizational skills, general knowledge of Web-based electronic resources, willingness to work with ambiguities in a dynamic environment, and ability to work independently as well as in a team. For more information please visit Salary range is upper 40's.

The Council on Postsecondary Education is an equal opportunity employer M/F/D.

Applicants should submit a letter and resume via e-mail to or to Ling-yuh W. (Miko) Pattie, Kentucky Virtual Library, Council on Postsecondary Education, 1024 Capital Center Dr., Suite 210, Frankfort, KY 40601. Resumes must be received by March 30, 2001.

last updated:3/8/01


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Phone: 502-573-1555, Fax: 502-573-1031