Collections Work Group Minutes
Collection Development
Meeting Minutes
July 26, 2000
Present: Burgett, Calvert, Cornet, Culbertson, Davis,
Garriott, Horvath, Moore, Nutter, Pattie, Weil, Williams, and Skeen
Guests: Norma Northern (KCVU)
I. Housekeeping: Introductions
- Mary Beth Garriott from Centre College was welcomed
- It was brought to the groups attention that there isn't a representative
from a special library
- It was decided that the draft copy of the minutes will be sent to Charlene
Davis for approval before they are sent out to everyone to avoid delay in
posting the information to the Work Group and the Gateway
- The Collections Work Group now has a listserv, everyone should have received
an email announcing their membership to the list
- Pattie reported on the status of APA PsycINFO. The goal is to get the
back files 1967-1983
- SOLINET has sent out invoices for the FirstSearch databases. The only
institutions to receive these invoices, will be public academic institutions
and public libraries (KCTCS will be invoiced as a group)
- The cost scheme for contributions was discussed
II. Orientation of the group at large
A. Evolution from KCVL Steering Committee to VLAC (Virtual Library Advisory
B. Evolution from Sub-Committees to Work Groups
- Beginning July 1st, 2000, the committees changed to work groups
- The work groups now report directly to KCVL
- The makeup of the groups changed to more reflect the user communities
C. Charge of this Work Group
- To evaluate and recommend databases to KCVL for acquisition for and use
by KCVL constituents and based on these recommendations, to complete the state
purchasing process as appropriate.
1. Tasks/Timeline
- Develop policy, procedures and evaluation methodology in conjunction with
trial databases October 1, 2000
- Develop evaluation tools in conjunction with the current databases
- Web bases survey on KCVL Gateway August 15, 2000
- Web based survey on individual institutional servers October 2000
- Focus Groups January 2001
- Complete appropriate acquisition process and purchasing documentation to
enable purchase of database for use starting 2001/2002 December 2000
- RFPs need to be in to purchasing by October 1, 2000
- RFPs need to go out by November 1, 2000
- Responses to RFPs are due by December 1, 2000
- Evaluations by work group done before the End of December '2000
- Contract in place by January 31, 2000
- Complete purchasing process April 2001
III. Trial Databases
A. Policy and Procedures
- A system will be developed for requests to try new databases
B. Evaluation
- Evaluation procedures will be developed to streamline the
C. Policy , Procedures, and Evaluation Committee
- Elaine Moore, Chair - WKU
- Carol Nutter - Morehead State University
- Mary Beth Garriott - Centre College
- Teri Weil - KCVL
- Sherree Williams - JCC
IV. Evaluation of Current Databases
A. Web based survey on KCVL Gateway and on individual institution servers
- David Horvath has drafted a survey to be placed on the KCVL Gateway
- The work group is to look at the draft and submit comments and suggestions
to David by Wednesday, August 2nd
- A survey on individual institution servers was mentioned but no process
was formalized
- A printed copy of the survey is to be available for those institutions that
utilize the native interface or might respond to a hard copy
B. Focus groups
- Focus groups will be convened by the members
of this Work Group.
C. Evaluation of Current Databases Committee
- David Horvath,
Chair - U of L * Diane Culbertson - KDE * Ida Cornett - Lexington Public Library
* Teri Weil - KCVL
V. Report on the Division of Purchase
A. The acquisition method for databases will be different from last time
- The RFP process will be used to select several databases providers
- This will put these vendors under state contract
- New databases and products that come available after that point in time
will be treated as a single source for procurement purposes
- The small group will write the RFP and evaluation instrument for the vendors
- Databases may be selected on an annual basis from vendors on state contract
VI. Other
A. Committees
- Vendor RFP and Evaluation Instrument
- Charlene Davis, Chair - KDLA
- Jackie Calvert - MADTC
- Milton Skeen - KCVU
- Teri Weil - KCVL
- Database Selection & Evaluation
- Collections Work Group
B. Next Meeting
- The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, September 13th
at KCVL in meeting room A.
Submitted by Teri B. Weil
This page last updated: 9/25/00

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