Document Delivery Subcommittee Meeting
November 13, 1998 1:30 - 4:00
CPE Board Room, Frankfort, KY
Present: Michael Binder (chair); Lisa Ahlstedt; William Debord; Mary Ann Dewey; Sharon Edge; Nancy Mollette; Carolyn Tassie; Miko Pattie Absent: Barbara Hale; Wayne Onkst The meeting was called to order at 10:10 a.m. The Steering Committee has approved the RFP for the Courier Service. The first order of business was the need to comply with the state's requirement for vendor selection and evaluation criteria relating to the RFP. This was covered on page 7 of the current RFP. Miko said that a list of vendors to invite to respond to the RFP is being compiled. The RFP is on the CVL web page. Since the state purchasing dept. will be doing the RFPs for the databases in Nov., the Courier RFP may benefit from being submitted at the same time. The language of the RFP was amended to include course materials, as well as library materials. The second sentence of the overview now reads. "The Commonwealth Virtual University course materials can also be included." The timeline was reviewed and had been changed. The goal is for the Subcommittee to evaluate vendor responses in January. Mike summarized his report to the CVL. His presentation got the RFP approved. (The hard work of the working group that proposed it certainly paid off.-NRM) Miko did a report on the CVL during a faculty orientation aimed at instructors for the CVU courses. They seemed especially interested in document delivery. The budget has been approved and we got what we asked for in non-recurring funds. There was some discussion about the KCTCS libraries that don't use FirstSearch currently and what they will have to do to get ready to participate. ARIEL does not require SOLINET membership or an OCLC connection. It is unclear what level of support the state can offer the private institutions involved in the CVU. There are legal ramifications need to be explored. Database access for CVU students in the private institutions may be password controlled. Maybe equipment can be loaned? Some creative solutions need to be explored. Next the discussion centered on the ARIEL project. The Steering Committee will meet before December 11th and the next DDC meeting will be called based on that date.
This page was last updated on November 19, 1998.
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