PRESENT: Gary Austin, Larry Besant, Perry Bratcher, Beverly Daly, Sharon Marsh, Sandee McAninch, Rosemary Meszaros, Miko Pattie, Bill Richardson, Douglas Robinson, Lisa Russell, Carrie Stephenson, Dee Wood, Phillip Yannarella, Patricia Yannarella
1. Introduction:
Larry Besant handed out the agenda and covered the Distance Learning Advisory Committee meeting that approved the CVL funding. Miko Pattie provided an overview of CVL, the 6 current subcommittees, and the group on Endeavor implementation - a joint group of CVU Technology Work Group and the CVL Technology Subcommittee.
2. Technology Access:
Douglas Robinson and Beverly Daly discussed the technology access issues. Access to GIA databases will be available by April 1999 through linkages, digitization will occur a year later for a pilot project.
Full loading of databases will occur once a consultant provides more insight and the subcommittees concerned agree on such issues as search software, standards, metadata, etc.
3. Kentucky Electronic Publications:
Larry reviewed the task list provided by the State Publications Subgroup and after considerable discussion, several tasks were combined and a new timeline was established for each task.
4. U.S. Electronic Publications:
Beverly will select federal web sites; Bill, Doug and Pat will do the same for state databases. Best practices for both need to be identified for our work. Miko will provide a listserv for the GIA subcommittee members to discuss these. All members need to review these and identify any other databases of importance for the next meeting.
Several individuals emphasized the importance of expanding the CVL concept to include citizens' needs as well as CVU needs.
5. Digitizing Project:
Larry and Bill will try to recruit individuals with expertise in the digitizing of information to assist the subcommittee in this very important area. This group will work with Kentuckiana Subcommittee closely in the planning and implementation of this project.
6. Next Meeting:
The meeting adjourned at 5 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled at 10-12 on Thursday, November 19, in Frankfort at the KIRM Conference Room, Frankfort.
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