Government Information Access Subcommittee Minutes
GIA Meeting Minutes 10/1/1999
Attended: Charles Robb, Glen McAninch, Beverly Daly, Bill Richardson, Gary Austin, Pat Yannarella, Philip Yannarella, Sharon Marsh, Rosemary Meszaros, Carrie Stephenson, Roxanna Jones, Sandra McAninch, Jackie Kinder.
Jackie reported to the Committee about recent KCVL activities. The Ebsco databases are now available and database descriptions and a temporary user id/password were distributed. Barb Hale and Jackie Kinder will be doing Ariel training at KDLA during the month of October. In November, KCVL staff will go on the road to different parts of the state to train library contacts on the KCVL website. Training will be repeated in January and February using KDLA and Solinet. Rollout is scheduled for November 1. New information concerning KCVL will always be found on the website behind the "About KCVL" bar and then click on "What's New". Work continues on the Virtual Reference Desk and the GIA Web Pages.
Changes to the web page format were discussed. The following decisions were made concerning the web site-
Instead of using the present arrangement of classification by state, national, international the committee would like to have the sites listed by their official titles in alphabetical order (keyword first). Example- Education, Kentucky Department of or Health and Human Services, U.S. Department of.
- Put non-government and quasi-government sites such as the Appalachian Center at UK and the Council on State Governments on the Virtual Reference Desk page instead of the GIA page which should be official government sites.
- For rollout we will not try to comprehensively list all the full-text sources available from an agency but rather focus our energies on the Core List.
- Add the Commonwealth of Kentucky Search page. This uses Alta Vista software to search only state government web sites.
- KY Direct and the State of Kentucky Homepages and GovBot should be added to GIA general reference page.
- and American Fact Finder should be added to GIA Political Science.
- Genealogy should be listed as a category under the broad heading History. Archaeology would be placed under History as well.
- There should be a source on our site to connect people with software downloads they may need such as Adobe Acrobat.
Bev Daley reported that the 1980 census data is on magnetic tape. 1990 data is not. She is not sure what format 2000 will be. She is working on a draft of a proposal to get databases from KDE and would like to get something from Economic Development. It was also mentioned that we would like to get agriculture statistics databases. What other databases from state agencies do we want? Beverly then presented several federal web-sites for review and addition to the KCVL GIA site.
Bill Richardson reported on the meeting with Kentuckiana and David Seaman, the Digitization Consultant. We discussed how the GIA consultant proposal would differ from the Kentuckiana proposal. It appears that it would parallel much of theirs although with a different workplan and philosophy. (Access to information instead of archival) The question was raised: Do we even need a consultant on digitization, as it would be duplicating much of Seaman's work? Can our proposal be adjusted to address access issues and the flow of information from the agency. The consensus of the group was to go with the standards Seaman defines and focus on access issues for a consultant if we have to do a proposal. Access issues would include reviewing the current framework for capturing information from Kentucky State agencies, looking at other statewide virtual library initiatives involving state publications, and recommending best practices. The question was raised as to what authority/influence KCVL would have to implement a consultant's recommendations concerning access issues. If the proposal cannot be broadened can Miko adjust the Kentuckiana RFP to reflect GIA needs?
Bill will talk to Miko about this at 10:30 a.m.on Thursday (10/7). If committee members have additional questions they should let Bill know before Thursday. Bill will request that Miko respond via e-mail directly to the group.
The meeting adjourned at 4pm.
Last updated:10-3-99

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