CVL Information Literacy Subcommittee Meeting
November 20, 1998 1:30 - 3:30
KIRM Conference Room, Frankfort, KY
Members present: Hannelore Rader, Chair, Janet Brewer, Jill Buckland, Edith Hansen, Stacey Nickell, Carol Nutter, Rebecca Turner, Emily Werril, Haiwang Yuan, Miko Pattie; Steve Stone, guest
Several handouts dealing with information literacy, user education, and web-based training were distributed by Hannelore.
Miko presented an overview of the CVL Budget approved by the CPE on November 9th. The first page details one time cost items; several dates of implementation were changed and bonds will be issued in January. Table 1 and 2 outlined the recommended 98-99 CVU/CVL budget, the preliminary 99-2000 budget, and expenditure details. A final table reflects the 98-2000 CVU/CVL bond issue. Information literacy's budget is $125,000 for 98-99 and $250,000 for the following year. It is hoped that a CEO for the CVU will be on board by February 1, 1999.
The committee was reminded that all groups involved in CVL are included on the CVL Homepage --
Discussion of Tutorial:
Stacey and Janet presented their ideas for a "Research Basics" component of the tutorial. Major areas to be included are - formulating a topic, search strategies, appropriate information sources, and identifying citations. Within each area will be links to additional tutorials/help screens/websites for Endeavor, WebZ interface, search engines, and documentation style manuals. Suggestions: include a glossary link; continual reference to local librarian/help desk for help; and choosing an appropriate database.
Jill and Steve discussed WebZ; examples of screens from UK's InfoKat as it appears now were included. Steve introduced OCLC SiteSearch as the next generation of WebZ. Miko clarified that it is one example of a suite of software tools for integrating Z39.50-based resources to a World Wide Web environment, but will probably not be the choice for CVL. Committee members were encouraged to visit the Galileo site ( for an example of what the WebZ top page should look like. This top page will be designed by this committee; its' aim should be to meet the needs of a variety of users with dual tracks of instruction for basic and sophisticated users in mind. The basic question still unanswered for the committee is what can WebZ do?
Edith and Rebecca suggested that an "Advanced Search" option could be included at the end of each module, but were cautious in developing anything at this time without a better idea of the audience. They will continue working on this module.
Carol and Haiwang had researched several sites currently available on "Evaluating Information" and felt this would not be a difficult module to put together. The ALA Information Literacy Guidelines ( will need to be consulted as this and other modules are developed.
The Committee's original modules included - basic research, introduction to WebZ, advanced research, and evaluating information. Another possible module topic is management/responsible use of information. This module would include understanding, using and writing citations, plagiarism, copyright, organizing research, tracing references, length of articles, etc. Emily and Hannelore will work on this module.
Instructional Designer:
Qualifications for an instructional designer -
The designer will be responsible for developing a template that can be updated of the proposed modules. Possible candidates should present examples of their work by the Dec. 11th meeting. Individuals at both UK and UL are possibilities. Sharon Colton (UL) and others in her dept. and Claire Carpentar (UK) and others in her dept. as well as a commercial instructional designer were mentioned. If committee members know other interested individuals, talk with them about the project and specifically ask how much time they think this will take and how much it would cost.
Faculty Development:
Miko reported on the faculty development seminar and emphasized the need to integrate this group with our committee. She has recommended Hannelore as a member of the CVL work group for faculty development.
The software, Colleges, will be used by faculty and linked with PeopleSoft, the client server for student registration. There will be a meeting on Dec. 7-9 about the Colleges software. Someone from this committee should attend; Hannelore and Miko will both be unable to attend because of previous commitments. Again, we want to partner with faculty on course design and online library resources. Janet will attend for the InfoLit Committee.
Carol Nutter is resigning from this committee and Tom Kmetz will probably be named as her replacement.
Next meeting - December 11, 1998, 1:00pm EST
Janet Brewer
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