CVL Information Literacy Subcommittee Meeting
December 11, 1998 1:30 - 3:30
Frankfort, KY
Tom Kmetz ([email protected]) will be taking over for Carol Nutter.
Hannelore reports from meetings that she has been to that no one is ahead of us in what we
are doing, although a lot of people are also working on distance information literacy. No
one is looking at information skills, no one has a comprehensive model.
Cal State is good, information literacy is a requirement in the system and they have a
good tutorial. No other models really have started working with faculty as information
skills. We want it to be integrated with course. No one has good reference models for
email, phone video interaction for reference. Miko has seen video interaction. People are
doing it, but it is still too new.
review modules
qualifications from consultants
Miko asks: we need to list our reference WWW sites from our WWW page. We need a list. If
you have a good/great URL, send it to Miko. Only the ones that are really important.
We agree the basic module is good, now adds responsible use (plagiarism).
University writing centers have good paraphrasing and bad paraphrasing examples.
Plagiarism, papers taken completely from the web, is becoming a real problem. Copyright
and fair use is important, for print and electronic. Audio is a major problem.
Miko points out that our database vendors will be requiring user education on copyright
We want to add glossaries, there are some good ones out there on the web already.
Janet/Stacey/Emily work with consultant for nitty-gritty details of first model.
MODULE #2 Advanced search
Limits (by year, publication type) - should be added to advanced boolean
Miko says If we put WebZ front end, new first search, will have EPIC-like interface,
starting August 1999(?)
Can't hurt to repeat information.
Primary /Secondary source of information varies by discipline.
On the Popular/Scholarly discussion, it is useful to have a 3rd category of blended
information like Infotrac that has some scholarly and some popular.
Citation - how to cite a full-text database (was covered on a listserv, BI-L, or
LIBREF-L). It is important to cite so that someone else can find it. When possible,
include URL (is it possible from CGI intensive searches like First Search). For publisher,
cite regular print source if possible. Pagination is a problem, URL can change, and nobody
is archiving the web.
Overall the advanced module looks good: all advanced things that we wanted covered are
Evaluation: Is this person being cited (advanced - citation/reference tracking?)
Here are the four modules:
What to Do / Evaluating
If we have a designer, needs to flow
PROCESS Working with Designer
RFP process will be useful
chef editor of information, before designer, we need to fuse all the modules together.
go through goal, let designer know objectives
different groups work on different modules
What should the modules do:
teach information skills
in fully interactive modules
testing or quizzes--some sort of
have a "just for instructors"
Train the trainers another important
faculty development - need to help have
this to assess students
attractive interactive & fun,
Public Libraries - should we need
versions with and without quizzes - for
sequential access vs random index
beginning to end, or look at only what you
NOT like a power point presentation
Go for the Gold at James Madison (
needs to be flexible
needs to work with various leaning styles
Then we sort of restated this into:
We want
* web based tutorial
* all sequential or small portions (index)
* incorporate assessment (but optional)
* interactive/flexible/fun
* good examples at every point
Might use collegis. They have instructional designers assigned to each pilot project.
Later reports from Miko make this sound like it will be possible for us to use Collegis.
This tutorial will not be the only way people can get at this information. (800) numbers,
live people, etc.We will need a train-the-trainer push.
Going through RFP for contractor: good exercise to refine what we want
Our final info. to designer would include above requirements of what we want.
Emily & Janet think they can write
1) scope - already covered
2) qualifications - already have written
3) cost - applicants will provide to us, we don't need to do
4) timetable - below
5) selection criteria - talked about some (below, and it may be moot)
Deadline on RFP
January 15
meetings to talk with
designer by
Feb 1
main design work, with
individuals by March 1
review of
by April 1
Implement revised
by May 1
RFP to be sent to Miko by 12/18, she will revise
Haiwang & Tom will fuse the four together into one outline by 12/18
Janet reported on Collegis meeting, it never got to her, pilot project people had too many
questions. Collegis seems to have a lot of experience in instructional design. They are
based in Research Triangle, NC. They have
a series of training sessions, a demo introduction, hands-on basic and hands-on advanced.
Miko has a password for Collegis, they can be seen at
They don't just drop the tool on the faculty member's desk, they help them use it. Most
collegis people have academic backgrounds.
There are other software-makers out there, nothing is finalized with Collegis, but they
look like the best right now.
Budget: Hold back at least $100K for training, so that leaves no more than $150 for this
design project (and all other projects we want to do this year).
Next Friday:
Tom & Haiwang will have fused the four
modules (having gotten WebZ from Jill on Tuesday) - they will send URL to mailing list
Emily & Janet will have fleshed out
RFP, so that we have a clear picture to give Collegis - they will send RFP to Miko
Next meeting Jan. 15, 1 p.m., same meeting room (go through GIS door)
Possible agenda items
Remember, the CVL will have (800) numbers
- how will the structure work with the help desk? (issue for
next time)
discuss proposal(s) from designers
This page was last updated on February 22, 1999.
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