CVL Information Literacy Subcommittee Meeting
January 15, 1999 1:30 - 3:30
KIRM Conference Room, Frankfort, KY
Next meeting Feb.12, 1999 1-4pm. There will be a computer available.
Members all present except for LouAnn Hardy. Miko unable to be at the full meeting but stopped in for part of the discussion.
Hannalore reported that Miko has been selected to be the director of CVL. She also reported that the Collegis designers are very knowledgeable in regards to academics. We need to finalize the modules and have both the outline of the modules and the fuller content. Collegis supplies the software framework. Once CVU has a contract with Collegis, it will be possible for individual institutions to have separate contracts.
Haiwang presented a sample of the tutorial modules. Discussion followed. Stacey questioned the definition of plagiarism. It was suggested that most schools would have their own code and perhaps a hot link to the individual school would be useful. Discussion continues on who we are targeting, learning styles and levels, and how they differ. Should we be adding exercises to the modules so that they could be used for credit if desired? Where will the tutorial reside, same server as the gateway? All agreed that any exercises should be practical and usable.
Janet suggested that the modules be one single track rather than two track, to provide cohesiveness. When we work on "fleshing out" the modules it's important to keep time involvement in mind. We should plan to have each section or module, take 15 minutes.
Discussion on how the top level will look. We looked at several sample pages. RIO seemed to appeal to all. Steve proposed a top level and will be sending a description around to all. Basically it will be in six levels:
1.) Raw basics, which includes Netscape browser, basics, WebZ. (Steve will work on this aspect.)
2.) Choosing of a topic, which would include an overview of databases.
3.) Basic search techniques, brainstorming, synonyms, the Boolean "and", controlled vocabulary and keyword. (Stacey and Janet will be working on both 2 and 3.
4.) Advanced searching including truncation, field searching, limiting and the Boolean "not" and "or". (Rebecca and Edith responsible for this.
5.) Evaluation of information, scholarly vs. general, web pages, urls, and domains. (Haiwang and Tom will design this. )
6.) Citing information including responsible use and search engines.
(Emily and Jill will do.)
Before the next meeting, at least one person from each of the above groups should attend a Collegis training session. Bring the completed information for the assigned projects in html format so that all can see how it will look on the computer. To expedite the next meeting each group should send out a sample of their work the week before the meeting.
Miko reported that July 1 has been set as due date for all pilot projects. We must have everything concrete before Collegis will work with us. It will be a requirement for CVU students to take the tutorial, therefore it is necessary to have an examination on the material covered. We can also have questions within the different sections. We should design the tutorials with flexibility. Miko stated this will be an open file available to others besides college students and will be on the Collegis server.
Hannalore reported that another attempt is being made to get a National Leadership grant for training the trainer and they are hopeful it will the proposal will be accepted.
This page was last updated on January 20, 1999.
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