Information Literacy Subcommittee Minutes


CVL Information Literacy Subcommittee Meeting
July 6, 1999
Frankfort, KY

Present: Hannelore Rader, chair; Miko Pattie; Haiwang Yuan; Jill Buckland; Steve Stone; Emily Werrell; Stacey Nickell; Rebecca Turner

1. After going over the modules that have been done, the subcommittee made the following decisions and recommendations.

a. Put in a welcome statement at the beginning of each unit.
b. Modules are to be called units.
c. Faculty names, locations, and dates are to be eliminated on the pages open to the public but available on the restricted access pages (Haiwang updated these).
d. Make all of the left logos "hot" so that users can go back and forth to the KCVL home page.
e. Place an outcome statement on each unit, that is what is expected to be learned by going through that unit's lessons.
2. Miko announced a "market roll out" which will consist of a short animation about the KCVL and what it offers. The project has to be rebid, so it looks as if it will be up at the end of August or the beginning of September. She briefly explained the program for July 12 and 13 which is to take place at the CPSE in Frankfort. Emily and Steve are to do a demo on the tutorial on July 12. The audience will consist of library contacts from public, academic, and private libraries, as well as some school libraries. Steve and Emily were urged to make it very clear that the tutorial is not intended to explain how to use databases. The databases have yet to be selected. Document delivery is not yet available, either.

3. Revising the Virtual Library Tutorial Introduction page incurred the following suggestions.

a. Put in statement of what the tutorial is designed to do.
b. Changed "Getting Started" to "Web Basics."
c. Place back and forth arrows in the center with 1 of 3, 2 of 3, etc. between the arrows.
d. Place a logo just on the top page of a unit and not on the other pages.
e. Make verbs present tense.
f. Add a fourth bullet for "Life Long Learning" in the second part.
g. Bold "Help Desk" and change it to "KCVL Help Desk."
h. Put in e-mail address(es) of the staff member(s) serving on the "Help Desk."
i. Sub-parts of the units are sections.
j. Tutorial is singular.
k. Put in a statement to begin by clicking on one of the five units on the left or "Start Here" and link to the first unit.
j. Change "topics" to "contents' and remove colon (Haiwang fixed this).
m. Install a counter to indicate how many times the virtual library instructional units have been visited.

4. Calls to Patrick Bragg (as the discussion ensued, several questions were asked that needed to be referred to Patrick; referral was done via speaker phone).

a. First Call:
(1) Change KCVU link to (done).
(2) How or can quizzes be entered or taken without an access password (anyone who has web access can take).
(3) Can quizzes be linked to from the text perhaps by clicking on assessment (can be done through the assessment database).
(4) Can file names be suppressed (yes, in setup).
(5) Can a sequence of screens or pages be created in each section (yes, can do text between arrows).
b. Second Call:
(1) Time and date are to be removed.
(2) Introductory page has been edited; Emily is to retype and e-mail to him.
(3) Change assessment to "Self Test" (may remove altogether if it cannot be "hot" linked).
(4) Put in e-mail address for the help desk ([email protected]).
(5) Activate a "hot" link for the state library logo.

The ensuing discussion between calls to Patrick covered how to devise a training the trainer program. Two reference librarians might help with the content, and Miko and Susan would actually train, unless the content is too comprehensive. If so, outside consultants might be hired. Susan Brown has been hired as the associate director of the KCVL. Subcommittee members decided to insert the type of graphics that we want in our units and let Hannelore know when we have done this.

5. Wrap up of meeting decisions.

a. Cut the section content if longer than one screen.
b. Concentrate on the content of the unit first and then create the quiz.
c. Each unit group should continue working on the glossary and definitions for that unit.
d. Complete the glossary by August 10.
e. Complete the units by August . All should check each other's units for errors and offer constructive criticism, etc.
f. Patrick may do the glossary with Lou Ann proofing and editing.
g. Revise the tutorial once the databases are selected.

The next meeting will be held in Frankfort at CPSE, Tuesday, August 10, 1999 from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm.

This page was last updated on September 21, 1999.

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