CVL Information Literacy Subcommittee Meeting
February 12, 1999
Frankfort, KY
Present: Luann Hardy, Steve Stone, Edith Hansen, Hannelore Rader, Haiwang Yuan, Jill Buckland, Emily Werrell, Miko Pattie, Susan Brown, Teri Weil, Patrick Bragg, Rebecca Turner
Not present: Janet Brewer, Tom Kmetz
Leaving the committee: Stacey Nickell, Hannelore Rader
Next meeting, Friday Sept. 17 1-4 p.m. Frankfort, if we can't get enough done in the forum
Patrick will work on the arrows, centering them, taking out the border box by Aug 23 We will all need to add the "1 of 6" indications at the bottoms of our pages by Aug 23 Deactivating the Return in the header on Janet's module may have already been done. Susan is working on the footers. Steve will put an example of opening a external link in web basics, and others can put it in as needed for their modules by Aug 23 The "thinking of synonyms" animation, and the venn diagram animation took too long to start on the machine we were seeing it on. It would probably be good to have the animations user controlled, so the user would click on a button to start an animation. Unclaimed. Susan & Louann were going to work on the glossary (get it done by Aug 23?) Everyone is going to make a final pass through their modules, for official unveiling Aug 23
Introductions were made. Susan Brown, the Asst. Director of the KCVL, and Teri Weil, Virtual Reference Librarian, had just been trained on Eduprise that morning. Patrick Bragg from Eduprise joined us to help finalize fixes. Susan and Teri will be maintaining the Info. Lit. Tutorial in the future, but we will have a period of transition. At some point in the future, we might send all corrections through Susan [email protected] (and Teri). Hannelore will be leaving the committee. Emily Werrell has agreed to be the new chair of the commitee for the next year, but only because an entire committee of co-chairs would not work. We metioned that the chair might rotate. The new representative from University of Louisville will be Anna Marie Johnson, [email protected] (502) 852-8938. The quest for an instructional designer continues. Cindi from U of L was hard to get, and has been pulled to other projects. We have budget to hire someone, but we need to find them first. Hannelore also tried to contact people at UK, and they were also busy. It was suggested that we should look to the commercial market. CPE is looking for a Webmaster, perhaps they will be able to help, or know people. Miko reports that the latest enrollment figures are 160 students in the KCVU, which is higher than expected. KCVU classes will start as they start at their host institutions, but we can consider Aug. 23 as the first day of classes for KCVU.
Glossary still needs lots of work, but we knew that this would be one of the last pieces. We agreed to have both a complete glossary in one place, and pop-up notes. Susan agreed to test colors for the pop up notes. We would like a Post-It(tm) yellow, but different screens are going to show the colors differently (and projectors are going to distort the colors tremendously).
Deadline: We all should have quizzes into the quiz tool by Aug. 16, next Monday. Quizzes are difficult to do on the Mac. Steve & Haiwang have put things into the quiz tool and made it work. There was a question about whether someone who was not logged into the system might get into the quiz editor, and we could not replicate the problem in our conference room. Patrick pointed out that the quiz tool was just released less than 3 months ago, and they are still improving its robustness.
We have a somewhat consistent look, but there were still a few things to fix, as pointed out in emails from Tom & Emily.
One major look & feel issue still to be worked on is the arrows, and Patrick said he would fix this.
At the bottom of each page, there will be center arrows (or one arrow at module starts)
and an indication of how many screens long this unit is.
<----------- ----------->
1 of 6
At one time we had discussed not having any external links, but now they are throughout the tutorial. We need to have some clear indication of the fact that we are opening an external link. Putting the link in a different color (burnt orange) was suggested. Consensus finally was, I believe, to open the external link in a second window, smaller, so that any user would be able to see that something different is going on. If they don't know about mulitple browser windows, they need to learn, and this would be their chance. Another possible problem from external links could be the lapsing of our pages. Because of the way the Domino server on the back end of the tutorial works, the page could lapse and no longer be viewable if a person tries to return to it. I have never seen this happen personally, so I would guess that the lapsing/time out is pretty long, 30 minutes? Remember the tutorials are open to the world. There is an outside chance that the help desk could get bogged down with non-KCVU users, and even non-Kentucky people. I get the impression that KCVL would be very happy to suffer this level of success. Susan reported that they are working on a consistent header & footer for all KCVL pages. The header is the header from our group, so we won't notice a difference. A sample of the footer was passed around, and they tell you the 800 number, links to KCVU, KCVL, Education Pays! page, etc. We can and should like to the tutorial from our own pages where appropriate, but let's link high enough so that the people know that they are going to the KCVL for the information.
We need to spice it up, add graphics and motion, but that can wait. Let's get the content/text settled and then work on the flashy stuff.
Patrick will work on the arrows, centering them, taking out the border box We will all need to add the "1 of 6" indications at the bottoms of our pages. Deactivating the Return in the header on Janet's module may have already been done. Susan is working on the footers. Steve will put an example of opening a external link in web basics, and others can put it in as needed for their modules. The "thinking of synonyms" animation, and the venn diagram animation took too long to start on the machine we were seeing it on. It would probably be good to have the animations user controlled, so the user would click on a button to start an animation. We talked some more about external links, and whether to put a graphic next to them, or an indicator like "Yahoo (external link)", and whether or not to put a page before even web basics that would show people about this, but the smaller sized new browser window seemed to win out. We talked about Training the Trainer. KCVL staff has already created an outline of what will be covered in the full day. As a part of the day of training, Info. Lit will have approx. 30 minutes to train the trainers. So, we need to discuss what we want to tell them. We will want to talk about things like:
We talked about quizzes and exams. We thought it might be a good idea to have questions to give an instructor to include as an exam in their class, if they wanted it. We could attach it to the faculty center, and any instructor could use it as they saw fit.
Next meeting, Friday Sept. 17 1-4 p.m. Frankfort
This page was last updated on September 21, 1999.
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