KVL for Kids Work Group Minutes
CPE, Meeting Room B
July 31, 2000
Present: Baurichter, Culbertson, Gibson, Hardy, Pattie, Ross, and Weil
- Introductions
- Introduced ourselves and welcomed Jill Baurichter from Kenton County Public
- Approved minutes from last meeting
- Wished Melissa Gibson farewell as she moves to South Dakota. Melissa has found a position teaching computing to middle school students
- Chair for the group
- The group decided to postpone the discussion on the issue of a chair until a later date when the group gets together.
- Review of Websites Submitted
- The review of websites were postponed until there are more sites to evaluate
- An evaluation process needs to be developed
- Subject Specialists
- Culberston indicated that she has 10 LMS/ITLs that have volunteered to serve as subject specialist
- Need to ask Michael Dailey if authentication can be instituted to subject specialists to make changes on these websites
- Tutorial
- Gibson has done an excellent job working on the tutorial
- Gibson has agreed to continue working on the tutorial from South Dakota
- The draft tutorial is drafted after the "Big6 Skills" (www.big6.com)
- The group decided to use a Kentucky history theme with multimedia
- The group decided to use Kentucky History as the theme. To that end, it was decided that the Group would invite a member from the History Center to join (Pattie will issue the invitation)
- It was also decided that the tutorial needs more graphics and should be multimedia
- To that end, it was decided that the Group would invite KET to join (Culbertson will issue the invitation)
- The tutorial needs self assessment components
- After viewing the draft tutorial, it was further decided that in its current state, the reading level is 4th/5th grade and that we need to create another one for 1st-3rd grade reading level.
- Each unit needs to be self contained
- The tutorial needs to be designed so that students can work on it independently
- Other
- The KCVL name change was discussed
- KCVL for Kids will launch August 15th (when KCVL changes the top page).
- KCVL for Kids will include:
- The Searchasaurus databases (Middle Search Plus, Primary Search, EBSCO Animals, and Funk & Wagnalls)
- Kentuckiana Digital Library
- To be added later
- Each area will be evaluated by a subject specialist
- Ross will look into developing a parents area
- Web sites that meet the core content areas set out by KDE
- A new interface will be designed in the spring 2001
- The upgrade in the spring will include:
Submitted by Teri Weil
This page was last updated August 17, 2000.

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