Marketing Subcommittee Minutes
CVL Marketing Subcommittee
August 17, 1999
CPE Board Room, Frankfort, KY
In attendance were: Judith Burdine, Chair, Debbie McGuffey, CPE, Kelly Reed, KDLA, Laura Whayne, UK, Miko Pattie, KCVL Director, Lisa Wallace, Secretary
Chairperson Burdine asked committee members to review their current contact information and revise as necessary. Discussion of agenda topics followed.
- The annual Governor's Trusteeship Conference to be held in late September was proposed as an opportunity to showcase KCVL.
- Progress on the proposed animation sequence for the Roll-Out ceremonies is currently on hold pending artistic and technical assistance from the University of Louisville. Members expressed their appreciation for the preliminary animation work of Haiwang Yuan of WKU. Director Pattie said she had contacted UofL and was awaiting further response concerning enhancement of the current animation. Members reviewed the proposed animation story board and agreed the scenario is a good start to a final product. They expressed interest in pursuing assistance as possible and available to produce the roll-out animation.
- Additional funding for database acquisition and licensing costs is being sought. Significant contributions toward this effort have been pledged by KDLA and the state Dept. of Education. Progress continues on database acquisition and contracts are expected to be awarded soon for some proposals.
- Development of a promotional video was discussed. EBSCO, an electronic periodicals service was mentioned as a video production vendor by members familiar with similar video(s) produced by EBSCO on behalf of other states.
- The KCVL Web site was discussed in general terms with members expressing approval of recent upgrades and additions to the site. It was recommended and agreed that the site should include an acknowledgement of the General Assembly for its ongoing support of KCVL.
- It was noted that the current KCVL brochure is in the process of being updated. Members were asked to direct their recommendations for this update to Lisa Wallace.
- Members discussed acquiring promotional items for distribution as part of the Roll-Out. Members agreed upon the following: Mouse pads for libraries; bookmarks and brochures; "tent" marquee placards to adhere to library workstation monitors bearing the KCVL logo, Web site address and help center toll-free phone number. Additional discussion involved press packets and coordination of activities, distribution of materials among Roll-Out partners and participants.
- The meeting adjourned.
This page was last updated on September 22, 1999.

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