Steering Committee Minutes
KCVL Steering Committee
Meeting May 12, 2000, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
CPE Conference Room A
Present: Jim Nelson (Chair), Hannelore Rader, Fran Davis, Jackie Calvert,
Roberta Kirby (for Karen McDaniel), Diane Culbertson, Judy Burdine, Kathleen Bryson.
Bill Hansen, Mike Binder, Perry Bratcher, Tari Keller (for Paul Willis), Tom Kmetz
(for Larry Besant), Dennis Taulbee, Paul Fuller, Miko Pattie
Absent: Dave Ballard, Coy Harmon, Lee Von Orsdell
Guests: Sue Patrick, Myk Garn
- 1. KCVU Update:
- Sue gave an update on the name change progress. The group gave her input
on names that are appropriate for virtual universities and libraries. A decision
will be made very soon. The change will involve name and logo.
Myk gave an update on following: registration for spring (1,500 for 160 courses;
40 courses for summer, and 140 courses for fall); satisfaction rate from students:
80-90%; quality assurance being instituted; and, RFI being issued for course
- 2. Library Advisory Committee Structure:
- The group approved the Bylaws with minor revisions on the "Duration of Membership",
KCTCS' full spelling, and "KCVL Responsibilities". Bill and Jim will revise
this and it will be posted on the KCVL Gateway. This Committee will be one
of the advisory groups for CPE/KCVU. The designated KLA representatives will
be asked to serve by Jim and Judy. The existing subcommitees will be reviewed
and restructured as work groups based on the bylaws. This new structure will
be in place July 1, 2000.
- 3. KCVL Update:
- 3.1. KCVL for Teachers and KCVL for Kids: KCVL is working with KDE
and school districts to create a portal for teachers and a portal for kids.
This is the result of a brainstorming meeting with schools on how best to
deliver resources to teachers and students. With KCVL now being used as the
major gateway for information resources by schools, the group decided that
KCVL be used as the portal for these 2 groups of clientele. There are 2 designated
work groups working on these 2 projects.
- 3.2. CPE/KCVU is sponsoring a May Faculty Conference May 21-23. KCVL
will do an update and a panel on intellectual property issues. (Hannelore
is doing a session on information literacy.)
- 3.3. Planning for Phase 2 of the Gateway, interlibrary loan functionality,
will be initiated soon. A WebZ interface design work group has been formed
and is working on enhancing the Gateway interface.
- 3.4. Online tutorial will be re-designed using a contracted instructional
designer. The Info Lit group is currently evaluating proposals for the designer.
- 3.5. The KCVL training will be conducted in Sept/Oct. throughout
the state.
- 3.6. Digital Library project is moving fast. Finding aids are being
digitized and a RFP is being issued to digitize 100+ rolls of microfilms.
The new site is shaping up at:
- 3.7. KCVL Office will be moving to the second floor of the building
in July as KCVU is growing leaps and bounds.
- 4. Ground Courier Service:
- We finally have a vendor! Final negotiations are being conducted. With the
budget, we will be able to bring all the public libraries into the contract.
- 5. Endeavor/Voyager Update:
- Policies and cost scheme have been established for new clients. Kathleen
used the cost scheme and decided to go solo for Transylvania's migration to
Endeavor. KCVL is organizing a statewide Endeavor Users Group so that expertise
can be shared.
- 6. Database Usage:
- Miko distributed the database usage report for Oct.'99 -March'00 which is
available at our Gateway: As this will be a
major factor in the new cost scheme for 7/1/2001- , members are encouraged
to review this info regularly.
- 7. Subcommittee Reports:
- Tari reported on the implementation schedules for the UK hub which is available
at our Gateway:
- 8. Dennis' Report:
- CPE has organized a new group called "Postsecondary Education Technology
Advisory Committee (PETAC) to advise CPE on statewide network and other technology
issues. He reported that GOT will use a KCTCS "sniffer" to detect network
bottlenecks and a state "strategic alliance partnership" process, which will
give us speed and flexibility, might be able to be used for our database RFP.
- 9. 2000 Legislative Session Review:
- Jim reviewed the Session per KDLA's funding requests. HB825 (more funding
for public libraries) was approved without funding. The Public Records received
$1.2M and various public libraries received some construction dollars. Dennis
reported that CPE has adult education and new economy under the agency and
the postsecondary education funding fares well.
- 10. Next Meeting:
- Date/Time: June 23, Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
- Place: CPE Conference Room A
- The group decided that new members will be invited to this meeting for continuity.
Last Updated: 5/25/99

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