Steering Committee Minutes
KCVL Steering Committee
June 23, Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
CPE Conference Room A
Present: Jim Nelson (Chair), Jackie Calvert, Kathleen Bryson, Roberta
Kirby (for Karen McDaniel), Tom Kmetz (for Larry Besant), Tari Keller (for Paul
Willis), Perry Bratcher, Lee Van Orsdel, Bill Hansen, Janet Stith, Becky Croft,
Larry Rees, Fran Davis, Hannelore Rader. Diane Culbertson, Barby Hardy, Mike
Binder, Norma Northern, Charlene Davis
Absent: Dave Ballard, Judy Burdine, Coy Harmon, Dennis Taulbee
1. Introduction:
New members for the new Virtual Library Advisory Committee (VLAC) were introduced:
Becky Croft for KLA/PLS, Barby Hardy for KSMA, Norma Northern for KCVU, Larry
Rees for KCTCS, Janet Stith for KLA/SLS. UK's Information Systems has been invited
2. Orientation:
Jim gave a brief overview of how the DLAC Work Group/KCVL Steering Committee
was established, what the group has accomplished up to this point, why we are
restructuring (to make it more representative of all user communities), and
how we will elect officers. Miko explained the role of work groups. The issue
on how decisions are made and communicated was raised. The current communication
system needs to be reviewed for enhancement.
3. KCVL Report:
- 3.1. KCVL User Base-- Total of 2,500,132 with some duplication between public
libraries and other libraries
- 3.2. Services--
- 3.2.1. 32 databases and 11 online library catalogs with one common look
and feel; more library catalogs to be included
- 3.2.2. Courier service for 183 libraries to begin August 1, 2000
- 3.2.3. Kentuckiana Digital Library: Digitizing lab set up
at UK; 15,000 pages of finding aids to be available
this summer; 122 roles of microfilm to be digitized
this fall
- 3.2.4. Self-paced tutorial to be enhanced with help from
contracted consultants
- 3.2.5. Endeavor/Voyager Consortium now has 12 members
including KDLA, St. Catharine College, Lexmark
and the 9 public institutions; statewide Voyager
Users Group to be established in October
- 3.3. Where We Are Going:
- 3.3.1. KCVL for Teachers being built and projected to be
available this August
- 3.3.2. KCVL for Kids projected to be piloted next year
- 3.3.3. KCVL website to be redesigned with search capability
- 3.3.4. Kentucky statistices in planning stage
- 3.3.5. User-initiated interlibrary loan request via Gateway
in planning stage
- 3.3.6. Assessment of services being initiated
- 4. Adult Education:
Norma reported on CPE's new responsibility - adult education.
The 2000 HB1 has assigned the planning/coordinating for AE to CPE.
The plan is to scale up the current system to accommodate the 1M
functionally illiterate Kentuckians. Libraries play an important role
in helping to bring high tech/high touch to this program. Jim's statement
on libraries' role in AE was distributed to the group.
- 5. Library Science Program via KCVU:
We have not been successful in bringing an online MSLS
program to KCVU yet. Any assistance on this is welcome.
- 6. Subcommittee Reports:
- 6.1. Tari reported on Endeavor Consortium progress and how patches
and upgrades are handled. Miko announced that funding
request for a test server for debugging and continuous OPAC
has been submitted to CPE.
- 6.2. Tom Kmetz reported that the Info Lit group is very happy about
the selected consultant and look forward to meeting her
July 5.
- 6.3. Charlene reported that the Collections group will be working on
database evaluation, process for trials, and next RFP (2001-).
- 7. Certificates of Appreciation:
Miko presented certificates of appreciation to Steering Committee
members and thanked them for helping building this comprehensive program.
- 8. 1st VLAC Meeting:
Jim will email members on preferred dates to establish the date
for next meeting.
Last Updated: 6/27/00

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