VLAC Minutes

Virtual Library Advisory Committee

Friday, December 1, 2000 1-3:30 P.M.
CPE Conference Room A
  1. Present: Diane Culbertson, Kathy Hamperian, Janet Stith, Kathleen Bryson, Larry Besant, Jim Nelson, Norma Northern, Larry Rees, Bill Hansen, Barby Hardy, Becky Croft, Hannelore Rader, Michael Binder, Paul Willis, Miko Pattie.
  2. Absent: Dennis Taulbee
  3. Also present: Susan Brown, Terri Keller, Charlene Davis.
  4. Meeting called to order 1:10 PM
  5. Pattie invites members to a teleconference on UCITA (Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act) at KY State, 13 DEC 2000. Enacted in VA & MD. Concerning the use of software packages & information.
    1. Besant- we need a succinct statement concerning UCITA. Will legislators be asking LRC about this and will we be able to provide input?
    2. Pattie- CPE will have a position on this subject and will not lobby for or against.
    3. Willis- ARL Homepage has information- www.arl.org
    4. Pattie- MD has implemented to attract high-tech industry. May affect database access.
    5. Nelson-opposition to it from 26 Attys. Gen., insurance companies, Ky CIO .Legal people would benefit from the conference. Being "pushed" by software companies, so called "shrink wrap sign-up" user agreements.
    6. Rader- Researchers also should attend.
    7. Pattie- cover wide area of participants. Invite you friends.

    Access available at UofL also. See KyVl web site for more information.

    Software companies- no first sale principle- "pay per click."

  6. Report on the Database Contribution Scheme -Northern
    1. Scheme based on KLN data turns out to be remarkably close to actual usage data. (See attached pie charts and statistics handout).
    2. Rader- sure it will cost more for what we have, don't want to give up anything- how will we assess costs?
    3. Northern- obfuscation
    4. Rader-Need a scheme to fund additional databases.
    5. Nelson- if we accept current plan or pick and pay plan
    6. Northern- completely different concept- concept of greater good over the local interests.
    7. Council voted to retain scheme for 2001-2002 and revisit in light of developing usage data.
    8. KyVL will have fixed amount to work with in renegotiating the database contracts(1.8M). May have to "deselect" some databases. Or users would have to contribute additional dollars.
    9. Cuthbertson- Alabama has a "cafeteria style" plan so users can pick what they want/need and pay accordingly.
      1. Northern- possible option will require more study. Access mechanics very complex.
      2. Rader- KyVL should be a convenient as possible for as many as possible- cafeteria approach too complex. Some libraries will have to purchase additional databases on their own. Basic package should be available universally.
      3. Willis- thinks the cafeteria plan has some merit. May be some cost advantages to having esoteric databases in the KyVL package.
      4. Binder- much included in current KyVL package is underutilized, cafeteria plan would allow users to chose. Who is to administrate? KyVL enhances it's value by being all things to all people and as a cafeteria.
    10. Rader- under utilization may be an administrative problem- need more publicity.
    11. Nelson- CPE could help under "new economy" initiative- place for support across the state. Leverage funds into database support.
    12. Pattie- Adult education may be a more fertile source of support.
    13. Nelson- need to ask legislature for additional dollars
    14. Binder- Have we not asked for funding?
    15. Nelson- KyVL is a part of CPE, they are the ones who need to ask.
    16. Besant- We are in a bind over refinancing the current database contracts. The 7.8 k is miniscule compared to other states, we need to directly lobby for support. Maybe we need to get out of CPE if we can't get CPE to lobby for us.
    17. Nelson-Need to make a strong case inside the CPE for additional support.
    18. Rader- We don't get enough to do what we need to do. There will be no new increases. What to do?
    19. Nelson- ask committee what we want/need given the 1.8M. May be benefits to all through the power of the KyVL to negotiate.
    20. Northern- if outside databases are included, savings could be leveraged for other items.
    21. Nelson- potential for other users are very limited.
    22. Pattie- Vendors know the user community
    23. Besant- world is changing- usage figures improved with digital access- don't cross off usage by non-traditional users.
    24. Rader- need to work through other consortia such as SOLINET
    25. Nelson- committee has 1.8 and now begins to examine possibilities.
    26. Hansen- then you can decide how much it will cost individual users based on the current scheme or revisit the percentages.
    27. Rader- Did KyVL get into NetBooks?
    28. Pattie- No
    29. Binder- Limited to 1.8 -hope to hold on to current services at the 1.8M level
    30. Pattie- KyVL has services other then databases, i.e. document delivery, etc.
    31. Besant- % of budget does not reflect what we thought we would spend for database access.
  7. KyVL Users Group
    1. Pattie- we need to have a representative body for KyVL users, Listservs and training sessions not sufficient for feedback. Can KLN serve in this function ?
    2. Binder- Was KLN to serve as a user's group what roles were to be left for KLN.
    3. Hansen- KLN as a membership organization having a wide constituency in the library community is certainly willing to investigate this idea.
    4. Rader- purpose of KLN
    5. Hansen-a means of communication for resource sharing. KLN & KyVL are very much the same.
    6. Binder-KLN is a separate entity
    7. Hansen- KLN represents its own constituency independently
    8. Nelson- KLN was a joint venture of KDLA and KLA. KLN as an organizing agent for advising the VLAC
      1. Willis- SOLINET model- Need to wrap KLN model around KyVl to avoid splintering- would like to keep "member" concept.
    9. Binder- KLN has the potential to lobby & raise funds.
    10. Willis- we were at the bottom of a curve- 10 years from now things will be very different and we ought to keep our institutions in place to deal with these things. With members in all 120 counties there is a lot of communication potential- Information sharing, community relations.
    11. Nelson- KLN IS the library community.
    12. Cuthbertson- Should be grateful to CPE for where we are today.
    13. Binder- KLN can play a vital role for KyVL.
    14. Nelson- KLN dues used to pay for things that state government can't pay for.
    15. Hansen- Resolution of the council asking KLN to serve as the Membership Group for KyVL.
    16. Cuthbertson - Who are KLN members-
    17. Davis- 140 members state wide. Membership open to all. Some are not even eligible for KyVL. KDLA pays all ILL fees- KLN is the required organization to deal with OCLC. More than 21 special library members.
    18. Binder- schools will have to start paying dues to be members of the users group.
    19. Davis- don't have to pay to come to meetings.
    20. Keller- training potential.
    21. Binder- moved that KLN examine the possibility of serving as the membership organization for KyVl and expand its membership to include a larger community.
    22. Hansen- will present this resolution for consideration at KLN board meeting 8 December, 2000 for consideration and report back to VLAC.
  8. New KyVL Website Features- Pattie
    1. Visual presentation of two Websites-
      1. Public relations.
      2. Presentation of Facts and statistics
    2. Pattie- disappointed in usage of gateway.
      1. Binder-do what's best for users.
      2. Pattie-market KyVL so we can leverage more money.
    3. Brown- individual database usage by library
    4. Need for marketing- need for a snazzy interface
    5. Besant-need a clickable site- PowerPoint presentation for local civic club presentations, etc.
    6. Pattie-a Powerpoint presentation is currently available on the Web site. Press releases will be available- need to make available to local media. Testimonials need permission to use in public.
    7. Pattie-KyVL office needs information on any presentations given, dates contents.
    8. Besant- need a clickable map which will show KyVL activities on the Webpage.
    9. Brown linking is highly labor intensive.
    10. Pattie- SiteSearch searches extended databases
  9. Chairman Nelson excused himself, Hanelore Rader presides.
  10. Selection of next meeting date: Feb 9, 2000
  11. KyVL Updates- Pattie
    1. Native interface access through the gateway ASAP, in Jan 2001
    2. KyVL will have a printed annual report . Accountability and useful with legislators.
    3. There will be a staff retreat in December to contemplate training needs, evaluations, etc. will report back. Report at next meeting.
      1. Rader- need to do training at meetings & conferences.
      2. Willis- on line packages available? Kids need it 9:00PM Sunday night.
      3. Brown- easy instructions "How to…" are on the Web page.
      4. Pattie- tutorials under revision- age group oriented.
    4. Cuthbertson - World Book Available?
      1. Pattie- World Book Deluxe version as requested by K-12 is up on the Website today.
    5. Pattie-Marketing Work Group will be organizing soon with Lee Van Orsdale as chair. Hope that KLN will help in this area.
    6. Rader- Statistics on use of tutorials?
      1. Pattie- on Fact & Stats. page.
    7. Besant- The Question "Do we have it here or available on the net?" VIVA example. Who has what where?
      1. Pattie- Site Search will do this- catalogs websites and holdings.
    8. Davis- Collection Work Group is in process of certifying vendors for ultimate database selection negotiations. Evaluating current databases -survey on website-also paper copies sent out- asking for subject areas not covered- specific databases wanted-using focus groups-usage data- create prioritized list to have when dealing with the vendors.
      1. Besant-Will we renew database contracts? Should do for next year at least as there is no new money.
      2. Pattie- Contracts are 2 year '99-'01 at same price. No new money available for cost of living increases built into contracts.
      3. Davis- much unhappiness over database menu- we are limited to vendor packages.
      4. Stith- If there is a better version- we should offer that.
      5. Pattie- Should we pursue RFP or not?
        1. Bessant yes we should to get the vendors attention, but should continue with what we have and develop.
      6. Rader- we will either have to have fewer databases or come up with more money. Has anyone asked CPE for additional money.
      7. Pattie- ongoing money is hard to come by.
      8. Besant- no money coming from institutions.
      9. Brown- may be able to retain same databases through renegotiations.
        1. Pattie- will look into contracts and report cost of living increase clauses and worst case scenario.
      10. Rader-need to let us know what the costs are going to be!
    9. Keller- reported on KY Voyager Users group meeting at UofL. Terry Bradshaw to chair. Training report to follow via e-mail.
    10. Besant- problems with Voyager new version.
    11. 15.10.1 Keller-bugs being worked out.

    12. Changes in PAC are expected in '01.
    13. Besant- need to address slowness of system.
    14. Rees- Deselection vs. cost increase. Are we facing a possible 10% increase?
      1. Pattie- contract to 2001, if we want to keep contract, it will cost more.
    15. Rader- we knew there would be an increase in the second year? We will have less or pay more.
      1. Binder- there would be no more money from CPE- no additional assessments.
      2. Rader-negotiations take a long time
        1. Davis it is a CPE problem. We may get some different databases as a result of negotiations.
      3. Binder- we are captives of OCLC because of WorldCat.
    16. Jackie- -Government Information- KY Statistical Abstract- seeking contributors- improvements-
      1. Pattie- single portal for access to government information, will be a state-wide effort.
      2. Jackie- Resource Sharing -forms, Ariel addresses, problem reports, courier service information, KULS- ARIEL ver 3 coming in spring 2001.- Patron assisted ILL.
        1. Pattie- all this to be automated eventually.
      3. Jackie-KyVL for Teachers- 7 core areas, links, native interfaces for databases,
        1. Pattie- a one stop shop for teachers.
      4. Jackie- KyVL For Kids to be released in summer- working on tutorial. Working with children's experts on this.
        1. Rader- Kids tutorial should be in the form of a computer game, interactive.
        2. Pattie- officially release these two portals in Summer- planing for a big opening.
    17. Keller- WebZ interface is working well and under constant tweek.
  12. Adjourned 4 PM

Last Updated: 1/24/01

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