1. CVL Mission and Goals:
Jim's draft was revised to be presented to the Steering Committee for approval on July 30
2. CVL Organizational Structure Alternatives:
Dennis' draft on various options were discussed. There were 3 basic alternatives:
1). Single Lay Board for CVU & CVL + CVL Advisory Board + CVU CEO + Single Operating Unit
2). CPE + CVU Advisory Board + CVU CEO + Single Operating Unit
3). CVU Board + CVL Board + CVU CEO + Single Operating Unit
After lengthy discussion, all consented to recommend these guiding principles for CVL structure to the Steering Committee:
"We recommend that a new structure be developed for CVL which will be directed by the following principles:
1) There be close linkage between the Commonwealth Virtual Library and the Commonwealth Virtual University to assure full integration of staff, program and policies;
2) There be a continuing strong presence of the Commonwealth Virtual Library in the overall structure;
3) The broader mission of the Commonwealth Virtual Library be represented in the new structure;
4) The Council on Postsecondary Education will serve as the transitional structure the Commonwealth Virtual Library to work with until the new structure is in place."
3. Name for CVL:
An official name for CVL will be needed soon.   Dennis stated that he has proceeded to trademark CVL but that will not preclude us renaming it if we so choose.  It was suggested to open this up to all participants via Steering Committee or others.
4. Budget Issues:
Dennis presented the status of CVU funding: DLAC will consider/approve the CVU budget on its Sept. 14 meeting.   So in order for CVL to get into the proposal, we'll need to have the budget request ready by the end of August.   As it stands now, the recurring part of CVU budget is running short.  Our request of $3M recurring fund might need to have some type of strategy in order that a full CVL implementation be made possible.   On the issue of contributions, CPE's position is to look for institutions' partnership in bringing this about.   The cost data that Miko is gathering from all participants now will help us determine the best model for implementing CVL. This issue will be discussed further in the 7/30 Steering Committee meeting.
5. Endeavor:
Dennis announced that CPE will consider helping libraries, on a non-recurring fund basis, license Endeavor as UofL was able to come up with a contract whereby libraries in KY will receive substantial discount.  A single system for all libraries will be the most efficient and cost-effective way to do what we want to accomplish for CVL -- a single, seamless gateway for information resources and services for CVU students and all citizens.   This issue will be further discussed in the 7/30 meeting.
This page was last updated August 4, 1998.
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