Steering Committee Minutes

KCVL Steering Committee Meeting
March 19, 1999 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
KIRM Conference Room

Present: Jim Nelson (Chair), Bill Hansen, Fran Davis, Larry Besant, Marian Winner, Paul Willis, Roberta Kirby (for Marcia Myers), Hannelore Rader, Dave Ballard, Kathleen Bryson, Mike Binder Guests: Tari Keller, Paul Fuller, Mary Beth Susman

Absent: Judy Burdine, Jackie Calvert, Susan Dunman (for Coy Harmon), Karen McDaniel, Dennis Taulbee, Jackie White

  1. KLN Transition: Bill Hansen
  2. Bill stated that the mission of the Kentucky Library Network is the same as the KCVL. Both are forums for multitype libraries. The KLN Transition Team proposed that a committee consisting of KCVL Steering Committee and KLN Transition team be charged with coming up with a roadmap. Discussions centered on the following: KCVL reaches more than the KLN membership; KCVL can use KLN as a users group; the future governance issue for KCVU and KCVL is not clear yet. Dave warned that we should not feel proprietary and that the Governor' wishes were that KCVU and KCVL are built for everybody. All agreed that it might be wise to let it ride and Bill can serve as the liaison.

  3. KLN FirstSearch Gap Cost
  4. We will renew the KLN FirstSearch for 6 months (April - Sept.) to help us transition to the KCVL databases. Jim stated that KDLA will pay for non-KCVL libraries that are current KLN FS participants.

  5. Contributions for 1999/2000 KCVL Budget
  6. Miko distributed the allotted contributions for KCVL libraries for the 1999/2000 budget. Charlene gave out the correct contributions for public libraries to replace what's included in Miko's page. Kathleen distributed a set of statistics on AIKCU's use of FirstSearch. Paul reminded the group that other types of libraries help with resource sharing and that having independents and special libraries with us is not a one-way benefit.

  7. KCVL Progress Report -- Miko
    1. Assistant Director's Position:
    2. Miko distributed the job description and the ad for the position. We hope to have it filled as soon as possible.

    3. Database RFP and Ground Courier Service Invitation for Bid:
    4. Both have left CPE to the Division of Purchasing. Tentative date for releasing database RFP is April 16.

    5. Endeavor/Voyager:
    6. The process of institutions' acquisition has been completed in a timely manner. Thanks go to everyone! Marian asked if there are prices on optional products for individual institutions. Miko stated that individual pricing is in previous pricing versions from Endeavor. The question was raised if citation server and image server are needed. It was stated that for electronic reserve image server might not be needed. We will get this clarified with Endeavor. Miko will notify the Technology Subcommittee the training schedule and project manager assignment as soon as she receives the information from Endeavor.

    7. Ariel System:
    8. KCTCS will serve as an agent for CPE to purchase hardware and software. Service level agreement is being worked on by the Document Delivery Subcommittee.

    9. Digitization Project:
    10. Solicitation for project management was sent to all institutions. The only proposal was submitted by UK. Miko will proceed to contract with UK for this. The RFP for consultants is being worked on by Dennis. We expect to have it out very soon.

    11. Library Contacts for KCVL:

    Miko asked to have contacts for each institution for KCVL issues. Library contacts will be needed for following: virtual reference/helpdesk, document delivery and Endeavor/Voyager. This is to facilitate serving users quickly and seamlessly. Miko will send out an email on this with a job description for the KCVU/KCVL helpdesk. Miko is planning a 2-day KCVL orientation session for all libraries in early June.

  8. Mary Beth Susman's Remarks:
    1. KCVU and KCVL:
    2. Kentucky has been added to CVU and CVL to clarify and brand these entities. Mary Beth firmly believes

      that we are to provide seamless and same level of services to all citizens.

    3. May 17/18 KCVU Event in Louisville:
    4. There will be a ground breaking ceremony for KCVU and KCVL. Governor Patton will shovel the virtual dirt. Mary Beth will invite this group to the event.

    5. Adult Literacy:
    6. Mary Beth stated that adult literacy is one of Governor's areas of concern. KCVL can play an important part in this. She has worked with the National Guards in putting workstations in armories to provide Internet access.

    7. Sustaining KCVL:
    8. Mary Beth encouraged everyone to let legislators know how much KCVL benefits their constituencies. She

      thinks that KCVL is the springboard for KCVU's success.

    9. Marketing:
    10. The position for KCVU Director of Marketing has been advertised. The marketing for the virtual library is ahead of the virtual university. Mouse pads, tags for workstations, flashing websites, library cards, etc. are all marketing tools we can use.

    11. Foundation:

    Mary Beth encouraged us to establish a foundation to work with the private sector. KLN fits that description. Perhaps that's the role KLN can play to help sustain KCVL.

  9. Subcommittee Reports:
    1. Collections Subcommittee: Marian winner
    2. The group is working on refining the evaluation tool in preparation for evaluating RFP responses expected in May.

    3. Document Delivery Subcommittee: Mike Binder
    4. The group is working on one service level agreement for both ground courier service and Ariel system.

    5. Technology Subcommittee: Tari Keller
    6. UofL staff shared their Endeavor experience with the group. Tari raised the issue of authentication for databases and how the gateway server is to provide that. We will need to work with KCVU Technology Work Group on that as the server needs to link to KCVU server in various levels.

    7. Information Literacy Subcommittee: Hannelore Rader

The group is working on the tutorial using Collegis software.

This page was last updated March 25, 1999.

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