Steering Committee Minutes

KCVL Steering Committee Meeting
August 6, Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
CPE Meeting Room B

Present: Jim Nelson (Chair), Mike Binder, Kathleen Bryson, Judy Burdine, Diane Culbertson, Bill Hansen, Hannelore Rader, Lee Van Orsdel, Elsie Pritchard (for Larry Besant), Mary Molinaro (for Paul Willis), Perry Bratcher, Paul Fuller

Absent: Dave Ballard, Jackie Calvert, Fran Davis, Coy Harmon, Karen McDaniel, Dennis Taulbee

Guest: Mary Beth Susman

1. Introduction of New Members:

Lee Van Orsdel from Eastern Kentucky University Diane Culbertson from Dept. of Education Perry Bratcher from Northern Kentucky University (Interim)

2. Introduction of KCVL Staff:

Susan Brown, Assistant Director Tammie Clements, Executive Secretary Teri Weil, Virtual Reference Librarian, KCVL Help Desk Jackie Kinder, Virtual Reference Librarian, KCVL Help Desk

3. KCVL Status Report:

3.1. Communication of KCVL Services: ** "What's New" page will be incorporated into the behind "About KCVL" bar. ** 3 listservs have been set up: one for reference, one for document delivery, and one for systems.

3.2. Databases: We started negotiating with the top-ranked vendor. Both the independents and the schools are in by bringing $ into the pot. There is a premier academic database that we would like to have, but the price is beyond what we can afford with our $. Miko would like for libraries to consider bringing more $ to the pot to get this database.

3.3. KCVL Roll Out: Lee described some of the publicities the Alabama Virtual Library did to get their funding. Miko reported that some publicity activities might occur in September. These are preliminary and the Marketing Subcommittee will be involved in it. It was proposed and passed that KLN explore soliciting corporations giving to support KCVL.

4. KCVU Status Report:

Mary Beth reported that KCVU has 160 students registered. 200 courses are to be offered next spring. She is projecting to offer 500 training classes by next October. Staff is learning along the way with the 9 pilot projects starting to offer classes this month.

5. Digitization Project for Art and Historical Collections:

Jim discussed the initiative Jim was asked to coordinate. The primary focus would be to make these art and historical collections electronically available via KCVL. Grant sources such as the Institute for Museums and Library Services will be explored. Holding libraries and museum have been asked to attend the August 17 meeting in Louisville.

6. Service Level Agreement for Endeavor:

The draft was revised and approved. The final version is attached.

7. Next Meeting: Sept. 10, Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 in CPE Meeting Room A (Conference Room)

Last Updated: 9/21/99

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