Steering Committee Minutes

KCVL Steering Committee Meeting
Dec. 3, Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m.
CPE Meeting Room B

Present: Jim Nelson (Chair), Diane Culbertson, Mike Binder, Martha Perry (for Bill Hanson), Tari Keller (for Paul Willis), Kathleen Bryson, Larrr Besant, Hannelore Rader, Margare Willingham (for Lee Von Orsdel), Dave Ballard, Judy Burdine, Karen McDaniel, Fran Davis, Jackie Calvert, Dennis Taulbee, Charlene Davis, Miko Pattie, Perry Bratcher Absent: Coy Harmon

1. KCVL Update:
1.1. Training: Miko reported that 6 2-day training sessions have been conducted by the KCVL staff in Prestonsburg, Bowling Green, Paducah, Somerset, and Lexington (2). This has given the staff an opportunity to have direct contact with librarians and proven invaluable. The next set of basic training will be done by SOLINET. One-day database training will also be done by SOLINET, funded both by KDLA and KCVL.
1.2. Databases: We will go forth with EB with a free 4-month trial and will decide by the end of March whether to go with the subscription-based copy.
1.3. Courier Service: The bid document is being finalized after consulting with potential vendors. The timeframe for providing this service is projected for next summer.
1.4. Endeavor/Voyager: A process to add other libraries to the hubs system will be established. Larry proposed to use the Technology Subcommittee for this.
2. K-12 IDs for Remote Database Access:
KDE is positioning to maximize the use of its proxy array and is concerned about the distribution of IDs. Dave informed the group that GOT is running out of IPs and will get a group together to address this. (Note: KDE has since decided that they will distribute IDs to schools for remote access.)
3. KCVL Budget:
3.1. Dennis distributed the database budget detail and explained that we will be $42,256 short for 2000 - 2001. A new scheme for contributions will need to be created to deal with this. It needs to be based on usage. He informed the group that there will be a 2.4% increase on the operating budget base.
3.2. Additional clients coming into the Endeavor hubs system will need to be self-sustaining. Discussions with hub sites will occur in spring for 2000 - 2001 fiscal year.
3.3. The current budget details will be shared with the group.
4. Steering Committee Structure:
As this developing year for KCVL comes to the end, there is a need to create a new structure that reflects appropriate representation of various user communities. Dennis commented that KCVL is no longer a postsecondary entity. Representation should be based on usage, contributions $, and services provided. The new committee is to be advisory on policies to DLAC and CPE (KCVU and KCVL being part of CPE). Larry proposed to use the Planning & Policy Group. Jim will get input to get a small group working on recommendations.
5. Next Meeting: January 7, Friday, 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. CPE Meeting Room A

Last Updated: 12/15/99

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