Technology Subcommittee Minutes

CVU Technology Work Group
December 18, 1998 1:00 - 4:00
CPE Conference Room

PRESENT: P Bratcher (NKU), N. Sims (WKU), C. Davis (KDLA), G. Flanagan (MoSU), P. Fuller (KCTCS), Weiling Liu (UofL), T. Keller (UK), M. Pattie (CPE)

Tari Keller (in place of Coy Harmon) called the meeting to order. Coy will be on leave and Tari has agreed to act as Chair of the Subcommittee.

The CVL master timeline and the Workstation and Peripheral Equipment documents were distributed and reviewed.

The Sun/IBM server decision is still pending (looking at January installation). The UK/UL Hub Sites are working on the coordination of implementation. Negotiations with Endeavor are still progressing. The MOA is in process (see CVL webpage). There will be early and late summer installation phases.

A listserv for the technology group will be set up. Let Miko know of personnel at your institutions who need to be included (other librarians, computer center personnel, etc.)

Brief update on other CVL committees and their relation to the Technology Subcommittee:

-Access to Electronic Indexes/Abstracts/Full-text databases - no contract yet, RFP n Jan.

-Document delivery via Ariel - 50 workstations/scanners/printers to community colleges and 7 public libraries

-Statewide digitizing of Kentuckiana & State pubs - Pilot project 7/2000

-Gov. info. Resources access enhancement - provision of links via CVL page 4/99

A lengthy discussion of the distribution of the CVL PCs ensued. The group recommends that high-end PC purchases be recommended, rather than minimum configurations. (Most likely Pentium 450 with 128MB RAM - around $2,190). These purchases will be via a state contact (Dell) and bidding, RFP, etc. will not be necessary. Maintenance of the PCs will be up to the individual institutions. The Steering Committee will decide on distribution.

It was agreed that OCLC WebZ training would be worthwhile for the committee in order to keep the philosophy of a common web interface for all CVL projects.

Miko will produce a draft of the Gateway server and distribute to the listserv.

The next meeting of the group is scheduled for Friday Jan. 22 at 10:00 at KIRM

This page was last updated January 7, 1999.

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