Database Descriptions
This is an alphabetic list of all the databases available through KYVL.
- Academic Search Elite -- EBSCO
- This database offers comprehensive, academic periodical coverage in many
disciplines, including general reference, social sciences, humanities, general
sciences, education, library and information science and multicultural studies.
- Subject Coverage: general reference, social sciences, humanities,
general sciences, education, library and information science and multicultural
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: over 1,360 journals with many dating back
to 1990
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: nearly 3,000 scholarly journals
with many dating back to 1984; approximately 1,700 peer-reviewed journals;
coverage of The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times
and The Christian Science Monitor
- Features: contains charts and graphs converted to keyword-searchable
ASCII text and a directory of over 1.7 million company records from Dun
& Bradstreet, over 1,000 journals with images
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Applied Science & Technology Abstracts--H. W. Wilson Company
- This database leads users to the latest findings in every area of science,
engineering, and technology.
- Subject Coverage: chemistry, engineering, mathematics, physics,
computer, and technology
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: over 600 international and English-language
periodicals since 1983; abstracts since March 1994
- Features: over 1,000,000 records; updated monthly
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- ArticleFirst® Database--OCLC
- This database contains bibliographic citations that describe items listed
on the table of contents pages of journals in the areas of science, technology,
medicine, social science, business, the humanities, and popular culture.
- Subject Coverage: science, technology, medicine, social science,
business, the humanities, and popular culture
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstract and Index Coverage: table of contents pages of nearly
12,500 journals, dating back to 1990
- Features: over 9,277,000 citations, updated weekly; provides
a list of libraries that hold the journal title for most items
- Vendor: FirstSearch
- Biological & Agricultural Index--H. W. Wilson Company
- In this index, information ranges from groundwater pollution to genetic
engineering and covers the entire range of sciences related to biology and
- Subject Coverage: life sciences, soil cultivation, crop production,
raising livestock
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: indexes 335 key periodicals in the
life sciences and agriculture
- Features: over 745,000 records, updated monthly
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Books in Print with Reviews -- RR Bowker
- This database provides complete bibliographic records from over 44,000 publishers
supplemented by fulltext book reviews.
- Subject Coverage: all the information in the most current printed
editions of Books Out of Print, Subject Guide to Books in Print,
Books in Print Supplement, Forthcoming Books, Books In
Series, Children's Books in Print
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: approximately 350,000 reviews from nine leading
sources, including Publishers Weekly, Kirkus, Library
Journal and School Library Journal
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: bibliographic records from
virtually all publishers in the U.S., including books that are in print,
forthcoming, or declared out-of-print or out-of-stock indefinitely since
- Features: records contain title, author, subject, publisher,
publication date, ISBN, LCCN and series information
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Business Source Premier -- EBSCO
- This comprehensive business periodical database is designed for both business
schools and libraries. It offers fulltext for nearly 1,300 general business
and academic journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting,
international business and much more.
- Subject Coverage: general business, management, economics, finance,
accounting, international business
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both, professional & trade journals
- Fulltext Coverage: coverage begins in 1990 for most journals;
cumulative for over 1,685 journals, including Forbes, Fortune,
The Economist and more than 40 regional publications; Country
Monitor and Industry Yearbook Reports from WEFA; 35 country
reports from the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) and Wall Street Words
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: indexing for over 2,350 business
journals, 660 of which are peer-reviewed, plus coverage of The Wall
Street Journal
- Features: charts and graphs converted to keyword-searchable ASCII
text, a directory of over 1.7 million company records from Dun & Bradstreet,
and PDF images and embedded images for many of these journals
- Vendor: EBSCO
- CINAHL -- CINAHL Information Systems
- This comprehensive database offers complete coverage of English-language
nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and
the American Nurses' Association. Topics covered include nursing, biomedicine,
health science librarianship, consumer health, and 17 allied health disciplines.
- Subject Coverage: nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship,
consumer health, and 17 allied health disciplines
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly, professional & trade
- Fulltext Coverage: None
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: abstracts for over 250 journals,
including over 450 author-supplied abstracts; indexing for over 1,200
nursing journals and publications dating back to 1982; indexing for journals,
books and book chapters, dissertations, selected conference proceedings,
standards of practice, pamphlets, educational software packages and audiovisual
- Features: Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) index with tree numbers,
tree hierarchy and explosion capabilities and internal subject thesaurus
with over 7,000 terms, 2,000 of which are unique to CINAHL
- Vendor: EBSCO
- ContentsFirst® Database--OCLC
- This unique database contains the table of contents pages and holdings information
for journals in science, technology, medicine, social sciences, business,
the humanities, and popular culture. Although most of the journals are published
in English, journals in other languages are also included.
- Subject Coverage: business, science, the humanities, social sciences,
medicine, technology, and popular culture
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: more than 12,500 periodical titles
since Jan 1990
- Features: updated daily; over 595,000 records
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Electronic Collections Online (ECO) Database--OCLC
- Electronic Collections Online is a growing collection of journals in a variety
of subject areas.
- Subject Coverage: agriculture, education, history, law, library
science, philosophy, technology
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: fulltext articles from journals to which your
library or institution subscribes; more than 2,000 titles, 1995 to present
- Abstracts & Indexing: abstracts for articles from journals
to which your library or institution subscribes; more than 2,000 titles;
1995 to present
- Features: over 366,000 records; updated daily
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- ERIC--U.S. Department of Education
- The ERIC database is a guide to published and unpublished sources on thousands
of educational topics.
- Subject Coverage: all aspects of education
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both, professional trade
- Fulltext Coverage: of the ERIC Digests documents; contains 2,046
Digests published since 1981 through March 1999
- Abstracts & Indexing: more than 850,000 annotated references
to non journal material issued in the monthly Resources in Education (RIE)
and to journal articles issued in the monthly Current Index to Journals
in Education (CIJE); 1966 to the present
- Features: updated monthly; 983,000 records
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- GPO Monthly Catalog--U.S. Government Printing Office
- GPO covers all types of U.S. government documents, including Congressional
reports, hearings, debates, and records; judiciary materials; and documents
issued by executive departments (Defense, State, Labor, Office of the President,
- Subject Coverage: US government information sources
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: bibliographic citations for 522,000
records since 1976
- Features: updated monthly
- Vendor: FirstSearch
- Health Source Plus -- EBSCO
- This comprehensive consumer health periodical database covers health topics
including medical science, psychology, food science and nutrition, childcare,
sports medicine, health care law, and general health.
- Subject Coverage: medical sciences, psychology, food sciences
and nutrition, childcare, sports medicine, health care law and general
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly, professional & trade
- Fulltext Coverage: nearly 270 journals including the British
Medical Journal and The Lancet; over 1,100 health-related pamphlets;
thousands of essays from Clinical Reference Systems; nearly 20 health
research books including books published by the People's Medical Society;
USP Pharmacopoeia DI: Volume II Advice for the Lay Patient
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: abstracts and indexing for
nearly 430 general health, nutrition and professional health care publications
- Features: Stedmans's Medical Dictionary
- Vendor: EBSCO
- MAS (Magazine Article Summaries) FullTEXT Ultra -- EBSCO
- This comprehensive, general database covers a broad range of topics including
general reference, business, consumer health, general science and multicultural
- Subject Coverage: general interest, business, consumer health,
general science and multicultural studies
- Popular and/or Scholarly: popular
- Fulltext Coverage: over 460 K-12 magazines; Essential Documents
of American History including The Bill of Rights, The Constitution,
The Federalist Papers, and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King
Jr.; The Christian Science Monitor; 145 Macmillan books; over 445
pamphlets; approximately 5,000 Magill's Book Reviews; The CIA
World Factbook
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: nearly 530 titles, including
most major US news weeklies; coverage of The New York Times and
USA Today
- Features: over 450 magazines with images
- Vendor: EBSCO
- MasterFILE Premier -- EBSCO
- This comprehensive, general periodical database gives access to information
on a broad range of topics including general interest, business, consumer
health, general science and multicultural titles. Designed specifically for
the public library.
- Subject Coverage: general interest, business, consumer health, general
science, and multicultural studies
- Popular and/or Scholarly: popular
- Fulltext Coverage: over 1,850 journals as far back as January 1990,
including Consumer Reports and nearly 5,000 Magill's Book Reviews,
and Essential Documents of American History including The Bill of Rights,
The Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and the speeches of
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; The Christian Science Monitor; 138 Macmillan
books; over 400 pamphlets; approximately 5,000 Magill's Book Reviews;
The CIA World Factbook
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: over 2,810 journals, many dating
back to 1984; coverage of The New York Times and The Wall Street
- Features: charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII text, and
1.7 million company records form Dun & Bradstreet, over 1,400 journals with
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Medline with FullTEXT -- National Library of Medicine
- This comprehensive database includes links from the National Library of
Medicine's MEDLINE citations to the corresponding actual fulltext articles
found in more than 80 leading medical journals. This authoritative database
offers information related to the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry,
veterinary medicine, the health care system and the pre clinical sciences.
- Subject Coverage: medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine,
the health care system and the pre clinical sciences
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: links from MEDLINE citations to the corresponding
actual fulltext articles found in nearly 90 leading medical journals,
dating as far back as 1990
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: 1966 - present
- Features: images dating as far back as January 1997; Mesh (Medical
Subject Headings) functionality
- Vendor: EBSCO
- MEDLINE--U.S. National Library of Medicine
- This specialized database covers all areas of medicine, including clinical
medicine, experimental medicine, dentistry, nursing, health services administration,
nutrition, and much more.
- Subject Coverage: clinical medicine, experimental medicine, dentistry,
nursing, health services administration, and nutrition
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly, professional & trade
- Fulltext Coverage: linked to corresponding fulltext articles
available through Electronic Collections Online
- Abstracts & Indexing: 3,900 journals since 1966
- Features: updated monthly
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Middle Search Plus Online -- EBSCO
- This database is designed to assist middle and junior high school students
in learning how to research current events.
- Subject Coverage: current events
- Target Audience: middle and junior high school students
- Popular and/or Scholarly: popular
- Fulltext Coverage: articles, reports and special issues from
over 80 of the most popular K-12 magazines; The Christian Science Monitor;
over 260 health and science-related pamphlets; Funk & Wagnalls
New Encyclopedia -- a general reference encyclopedia containing 25,000
articles; Essential Documents of American History including The Bill
of Rights, The Constitution, The Federalist Papers,
and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; EBSCO's Encyclopedia
of Animals, a database with over 2,200 entries about mammals, birds,
reptiles, amphibians, fish and dinosaurs
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: over 130 titles; coverage
of USA Today
- Features: over 2,000 charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII
text to provide students with a complete understanding of the original
printed articles, coverage of the CIA World Factbook (and maps),
total coverage includes nearly 400,000 articles
- Vendor: EBSCO
- NetFirst® Database--OCLC
- NetFirst is the premiere database that contains bibliographic citations--complete
with summary descriptions and subjects--describing high-quality Internet-accessible
- Subject Coverage: agriculture, education, history, the humanities,
law, social sciences, philosophy, religion & religions, and science
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: provides links to electronically published
- Abstracts & Indexing: more than 105,000 records
- Features: updated monthly
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Newspaper Source -- EBSCO
- This database features cover to cover coverage of The Christian Science
Monitor; coverage of valuable national and international titles, including
The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Chicago Tribune
and others; local coverage of The Lexington Herald-Leader and Messenger-Inquirer
(Owensboro, KY).
- Subject Coverage: news and current events
- Popular and/or Scholarly: popular
- Fulltext Coverage: selected coverage for 144 US and international
newspapers dating back to 1995, coverage includes: The Christian Science
Monitor, The New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, Detroit
Free press, Lexington Herald-Leader, Messenger-Inquirer;
Knight-Ridder/Tribune Business News: fulltext articles from 105 contributor
newspapers (online only); Knight-Ridder/Tribune News Service: fulltext
articles from 40 contributor newspapers (online only)
- Abstracts & Indexing Coverage: The New York Times Magazine,
The New York Times Book Review, USA Today dating back to
- Features: total coverage includes over 500,000 articles; includes
everything except obituaries (exclusive of famous people), sports tables,
ads/classifieds, stock prices and weather; updated daily
- Vendor: EBSCO
- NoveList -- EBSCO
- Novelist is an electronic readers' advisory resource which assists
fiction readers in finding new authors and titles. It is searchable by title,
author or simply by describing a book they would like to read.
- Subject Coverage: Fiction books
- Popular and/or Scholarly: popular, professional & trade
- Fulltext Coverage: reviews and descriptions for over 40,000 books,
since 1994; all adult fiction reviewed in Library Journal, Publisher's
Weekly, Booklist, and Kirkus since 1996
- Features: extensive subject and keyword access to over 90,000
fiction titles; links to author home pages and other fiction-related Web
sites;17,000 subject headings (for fiction) based on Hennepin County Public
Library's cataloging system
- Vendor: EBSCO
- PAIS International--Public Affairs Information Service, Inc.
- PAIS contains references to articles, conference proceedings, government
documents, book chapters, and statistical directories.
- Subject Coverage: public affairs
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: 1972 to the present; 2,100 titles
- Features: updated monthly; 449,000 records
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- PapersFirst®--OCLC
- This database provides access to individual papers presented at conferences
worldwide. It is a major research aid covering every congress, symposium,
exposition, workshop, and meeting added to The British Library Document Supply
Centre's (BLDC) vast proceedings collection. The BDLC is a document supplier
for the OCLC Interlibrary Loan service. The FirstSearch/OCLC ILL link is the
best way to obtain conference papers cited in PapersFirst.
- Subject Coverage: Business, the humanities, medicine, science,
social sciences, and technology
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: indexing since October 1993
- Features: updated 24 times a year; database contains 2,378,000
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Primary Search Online -- EBSCO
- Designed for elementary schools and children's reading rooms. Primary
Search Online covers a wide range of general interest topics.
- Subject Coverage: general interest
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: articles, reports, and special issues from
over 50 of the most popular K-12 magazines; over 300 pamphlets; two World
Almanac Books - The World Almanac of the U.S.A. and The World
Almanac for Kids; EBSCO's Encyclopedia of Animals-a fulltext
database with over 2,200 entries about mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians,
fish, and dinosaurs; Funk & Wagnalls New Encyclopedia-a student,
home and general reference encyclopedia containing 25,000 articles; Essential
Documents of American History-a database of over 1,000 original historical
documents including The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, The Federalist
Papers and the speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.; The CIA
World Factbook (and maps); 11 peer reviewed titles; 310 health and
science related pamphlets
- Abstract and Index Coverage: over 165 titles, abstract coverage
of USA Today
- Features: over 500 charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII
text to provide students with a complete understanding of the original
printed articles
- Vendor: EBSCO
- ProceedingsFirst--OCLC
- This database provides the table of contents of papers presented at conferences
worldwide. Each record contains a list of the papers presented at each conference.
- Subject Coverage: Business, the humanities, medicine, popular
culture, science, social sciences, and technology
- Popular and/or Scholarly: scholarly
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: table of contents for nearly 12,500
since 1990
- Features: 9,227,000 records; updated daily
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Professional Development Collection -- EBSCO
- This database is a collection of electronic information especially for professional
educators. This collection offers information on everything from children's
health and development to cutting-edge pedagogical theory and practice.
- Subject Coverage: education
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both, professional & trade
- Fulltext Coverage: for over 430 journals covering the most current
topics in the field of education
- Abstract and Index Coverage: for over 330 well-known professional
development titles
- Features: nearly 150 journals with images
- Vendor: EBSCO
- PsycINFO -- American Psychological Association
- PsycINFO contains more than one million references to psychological literature
ranging in date from 1887 to the present. It provides access to a collection
of electronically stored bibliographic references--most with abstracts or
content summaries. Although the references themselves are all written in English,
the covered literature includes material published in over 45 countries and
written in more than 30 languages.
- Subject Coverage: psychology, sociology, social work, education,
and other behavioral sciences
- Popular and/or Scholarly: Scholarly, professional & trade
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstract and Index Coverage: 1984-present; citations include
abstracts (except those for dissertations; coverage includes journal articles,
dissertations, reports, English-language book chapters and books, and
other scholarly documents)
- Features: international in scope; over 1,500 journals from nearly
50 countries; updated twice a year
- Vendor: EBSCO
- Union List of Periodicals Database--OCLC
- This database includes more than 7,000,000 listings in the WorldCat database.
- Subject Coverage: Business, the humanities, medicine, popular
culture, science, social sciences, and technology
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: links to over 750,000 bibliographic
- Features: provides local holdings information
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- Vocational Search -- EBSCO
- This comprehensive, trade-related periodical database is designed for vocational
and technical curriculums.
- Subject Coverage: vocational education
- Popular and/or Scholarly: popular, trade
- Fulltext Coverage: articles, reports and special issues from
nearly 180 of the most wanted K-12 magazines; nearly 5,000 Magill's
Book Reviews
- Abstract and Index Coverage: for over 540 titles
- Features: over 4000 charts, tables and graphs converted to ASCII
text to provide students with a complete understanding of the original
printed articles
- Vendor: EBSCO
- WorldCat Database (the OCLC Online Union Catalog)--OCLC
- WorldCat is the world's most comprehensive bibliography. Covers information
back to the 11th Century. It contains records from more than 30
thousand libraries all over the world.
- Subject Coverage: Business, the humanities, medicine, popular
culture, science, social sciences, and technology
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: none
- Abstracts & Indexing: over 41,000,000 bibliographic records
- Features: updated daily
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- The World Almanac--Primedia Reference, Inc
- This reference database provides key facts on a wide variety of subjects
via almanacs.
- Subject Coverage: general reference
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: The World Almanac-facts on international
subjects; The World Almanac of the U.S.A-facts on the United States
(current & historical); The World Almanac of US Politics-guidebook
to federal, state and local government; The World Almanac for Kids-facts
of interests to middle-school children and teachers; The World Almanac
Knowledge Source
- Abstracts & Indexing: none Features: over 6,000
records, updated annually
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- World Book Encyclopedia--World Book, Inc.
- This database contain 2000 version of The World Book Encyclopedia,
international edition.
- Subject Coverage: general reference
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: more than 17,500 articles
- Abstracts & Indexing: none
- Features: over 1,000 tables, updated annually, and more than
6,200 cross references
- Vendor: OCLC - FirstSearch
- World Book Online Global - World Book, Inc.
- The World Book Online global version provides multimedia to both the American
and International edition of the World Book Encyclopedia.
- Subject Coverage: general reference
- Popular and/or Scholarly: both
- Fulltext Coverage: Nearly 20,000 articles
- Abstracts & Indexing: none
- Features: Today in History, current and ongoing events, and
links to Internet resources
- Vendor: World Book, Inc.
Last Updated:1/24/01

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