Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation


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So how would you answer our questions with NoveList: “ I just read Margaret Maron’s Bootlegger’s Daughter. I loved it! Can you help me find some other books like it?”

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So how would you answer this question with NoveList? “ I need to read a book about the War of 1812 for my senior high history class. They didn’t give us any authors.”

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So how would you answer this question with NoveList? “ I think I might try to read some science fiction. Do you have any authors or titles to suggest?”

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What’s in NoveList ...

What’s in NoveList ...

What’s in NoveList ...

What’s in NoveList ...

NoveList ...

NoveList ...

More than a database--

More than a database--

More than a database--

More than a database--

More than a database--

More than a database--

The final word about NoveList

Author: Carson Holloway

Email: [email protected]

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