Services: Endeavor/Voyager
KYVL Endeavor Consortium Meeting with Endeavor
Oct 26, 2000
- Present: Dave Block, Perry Bratcher, Susan Brown, Craig Brunson,
Jane Burke, Ilona Burdette, Charlene Davis, Rose Davis, John Detwiler, Gary
Flanagan, Paul Fuller, Tari Keller, Todd King, Roberta Kirby, Weiling Liu,
Aleeah McGinnis, Stacey Nickell, Cindy Page, Miko Pattie, Elsie Pritchard,
Nelda Jane Sims, Keith Stevenson, Tonya Thompson, Kelly Vickery, Linda Voyles,
Margaret Willingham, Geraldine Williams.
- Training
- As of April 2000 we had 43 training days. 4 have already been used since
then and 5 have been scheduled. There are 33 days of training left to be shared.
- The per unit cost for training is $1200, not $600.
- 300 Certification - Usually offered at VUGM but because we have 13 people
interested we will work with Linda on getting one here in KY. Linda and Jane
will talk with the release group to see if this is possible. They would want
to be able to open up the other 7 spots to other Endeavor users (to allow
for 20 total in the class).
Scheduling training the week of the 28th -
Nov. 28th at Murray
Dec. 1st at UK
One day in between could be on EDI
-maybe at E-town
-maybe at Madisonville
Paul Fuller will look into these two locations to see if they are available.
- Endeavor needs 8-10 weeks out to schedule a training session.
- Can we use our test-server as a preview mode? Yes.
- WebVoyage training at 2 locations over 3 days in late or mid February.
- Makes some sense to do e-reserves and Web Voyage together. But might be
good to wait until AIX has gone gold to schedule this?
- Might also make sense to do e-reserves and z39.50 (Web Voyage links) together.
- Do this training the week of Feb. 19th. EKU and UK will look into the availability
of labs. U of L for the west on Feb. 20th
Louisville, e-reserves, Feb 21st
EKU, webVoyage/Z39.50, Feb. 22nd
Need to confirm the locations. Trainors will bring the software and load
it at the locations.
- Upgrade
- week of May 14th - Eastlib
- week of May 21st - Westlib
- The test server should be arriving by the end of next week.
- Reports
- What is a reasonable retention period to keep them for?
- Current month and one month back.
- 60 day retention
- Keith will script the removals and share the script with Dave.
- Individual libraries can archive them locally if they wish.
- Keith will try to script in an email reminder to notify when they will be
- Maintenance Fee
- Portion it based on the regular maintenance fee. Miko will send it over
the list. The maintenance fee will include $$ to send Keith and Dave to VUGM.
- Next Meeting
- Feb. 1st, 1pm at KYVL. Could do ITV in case of weather.
Last Updated: 10/30/00