How To Link To KYVL
In order for the KYVL project to continue to flourish, it is very important for Kentuckians to know that KYVL is available to them and that the databases they are using are a part of the KYVL project. We recommend that you provide a link to the KYVL from your main library page. If you are providing direct links from your library page into a specific database through the native interface, we ask that you put a KYVL logo next to that link.
To download the images below from a PC, put your cursor over the image, click the far right button on your mouse, click on "save image as..." and save it to your local directory. For most images we have created a white background image and a transparent image which is useful if you have pages with color backgrounds. Please call us if you have any problems or questions.
(White Background)
(White Background)
 (White Background)
(White Background)
(White Background)
If you are linking to the native interface databases directly, the logomini.gif (directly above) is a good image to use. It's only 12 pixels high so it fits nicely next to text.