Total Sessions |
Sep-99 |
Kentucky School Media Association, Covington, KY |
1 |
Theological Education Association of Mid-America, Asbury, KY |
1 |
Oct-99 |
Kentucky Library Association, Louisville, KY |
3 |
Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities, Georgetown,
KY |
1 |
Health Occupations Students of America, Louisville, KY |
1 |
Jefferson Community College, Louisville, KY |
1 |
Nov-99 |
Dec-99 |
Kentucky SOLINET Users Group Meeting, Berea, KY |
1 |
Kentucky Educational Television Staff Meeting, Lexington, KY |
1 |
Lexington Public Library Staff Meeting, Lexington, KY |
1 |
Jan-00 |
American Library Association Mid-Winter Conference, San Antonio, Texas |
1 |
Elizabethtown Technical College Faculty Orientation, Elizabethtown, KY |
1 |
Feb-00 |
0 |
Mar-00 |
0 |
Apr-00 |
Kentucky Library Association Public Library Section's Spring Meeting,
Lexington, KY |
1 |
May-00 |
Kentucky Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Cincinnati,
OH |
3 |
Lexington Public Library Board of Directors, Lexington, KY |
1 |
OCLC SiteSearch Users Group Meeting, Dublin, OH |
1 |
Kentucky Health Science Librarians Consortium, Midway, KY |
1 |
Jun-00 |
Kentucky SOLINET Users Group Meeting, Frankfort, KY |
2 |
Jul-00 |
OCLC SiteSearch Session, American Library Association Annual Conference,
Chicago |
1 |
Kentucky Library Trustees Association Meeting, Nicholasville, KY |
1 |
Instructional Technology Leadership University, KDE, Louisville |
2 |
Aug-00 |
KCTCS Faculty Training, Elizabethtown, KY |
1 |
Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities Meeting,
Frankfort |
1 |
Jefferson County Library Media Specialists Meeting, Louisville, KY |
1 |
Sep-00 |
KCTCS library directors meeting, Lexington, KY |
2 |
Center for Rural Development ITV Conference, Frankfort, KY |
1 |
Kentucky Geological Survey, Lexington, KY |
1 |
Rowan County Genealogical Society, Morehead, KY |
1 |
Lexington Ideafest, Lexington, KY |
1 |
Oct-00 |
Texas Library Association's Conference (TCSUL, TICUL, TCCJCL), Austin,
TX |
1 |
EDUCAUSE Annual Conference, Nashville, TN |
1 |
Kentucky Library Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY |
3 |
Department for Adult Education and Literacy Staff Meeting, Frankfort,
KY |
1 |
Lincoln Trail Library Trustees Dinner and Workshop, Elizabethtown, KY |
1 |
Nov-00 |
Western Cooperative for Educational Telecommunications, Albuquerque, NM |
1 |
English as a Second Language Conference, Lexington, KY |
1 |
Eastern Ky Media Specialists District Meeting, Pikeville, KY |
1 |
Dec-00 |
KYVU Coordinators Meeting, Frankfort, KY |
1 |
Ky Solinet Users Group Fall Meeting, Elizabethtown, KY |
1 |
Jan-01 |
0 |
Feb-01 |
0 |
Running TOTAL |
47 |