Services: Gateway/Website
- Recommendations for Viewing
- Although we have tried to keep the 480x640 screen resolution in mind when designing this site, we feel that the site is easier to use with a 600x800 screen resolution or higher.
- Because some Java is used in the site, we recommend that your Web browser be 4.0 or higher.
- To read many of the government documents and other resources like some of the full-text articles in the databases, we recommend you download a free pdf reader like Adobe Acrobat
- To hear sound and see video on our site, we recommend that you download Real Player which is available free. The free product is not easy to find on their site. As of 8/10/00 you are looking for a link to RealPlayer 8 Basic.
- Header
- Whenever possible, throughout the KYVL Website, you will see a header which consists of the logo on the upper left side and the title of the page or section on the upper right. The logo is linked back to the main KYVL page (www.kyvl.org) to provide you with an easy way to get back to the beginning. This header will help to identify those pages that KYVL is responsible for creating.
- Footer
- To make navigation through the site easier, we have created a footer for the KYVL pages. This includes links to the main KYVL page, to KYVU, to Kentucky Libraries' Web pages, to the Governor's Education Pays page, to a help form, to the toll free phone number, and to the address to which you can email suggestions for improving the site.
- External Website Selection
- In two areas of the website, the "Reference Desk" and the "Government Information" area, we have collected and provided links to external websites. You can make suggestions about external websites that you feel should be added. Before you do we recommend that you read through the External Website selection information.
- Why gateway?
- Because the KYVL website is used as a gateway to information we refer to it as the KYVL Gateway.
Last Updated: 8/10/00