After you have figured out all the sources you might
need, then ask yourself the second question:
What are the best sources for my problem?
Of all the sources that you thought of, or chose from
the list, which ones will give you the kind of information that
you need?
Since we're talking about
bears -- encyclopedias are good, and so are information
books about bears. You might find some magazine
articles or look in the computer on KYVL about
bears. You also might ask the Conservation Man
if he comes to your school. Finally, the Internet
might have some good things about bears. |
Now which of these are best for you? Well,
that depends on which ones will answer your questions.
You might have to look in all of them
before you find your answers. Sometimes, it may be that
the only ones you will have available will be books or encyclopedias.
If you are up to some college-level reading, here
is a good site from Cornell
Library about evaluating sources.
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