Services: Reference Desk
Research Help
Ask any question you have about your research, how to find specific information, KYVL, etc. You can email or call toll free: 1-877-740-4357. Our expert librarians will email or call you with help. The KYVL Reference Desk supports KYVU students and the people of Kentucky. The KYVL Reference Desk is staffed 8am to 7pm EST, Monday through Friday.
Subject Access to Resources
Throughout the Reference pages at KYVL you will see a blue column on the left side of the Web page that will aid you in navigating through the resources we have gathered. There are 13 major subject areas which are based on the Library of Congress Classification scheme. If you are having trouble finding what you need call or email us.
Home Library Concept for KYVU students
The home library for a KYVU student is the library at the home institution where the student is enrolled. If needed, a student can designate a "pick-up" library near their home to pick up library materials. If a pick-up library is needed, the home library is to make arrangements with the pick-up library to provide services to KYVU students. The KYVL office will facilitate this service by gathering information from either the student or library and communicating to all concerned to ensure delivery of services.
Last Updated: 3/27/99