Anecdotes and Testimonials
- 11/8/00 - Ilona Burdette, Director of Library Services, St. Catharine College Library
- "St. Catharine is indeed on the receiving end of the great benefits that KYVL has
to offer and grateful for the opportunities that consortium membership has afforded.
Your help and that of a few key players at the University of Louisville have been
invaluable and truly appreciated. If you ever decide you need a poster child or
an "Exhibit A," we will be happy to oblige with testimonials, etc. ... Thank you once again
for all your efforts which benefit St. Catharine College in so many ways. We are fortunate
to have you working on our behalf."
- 10/24/00 - Nancy N. Palmquist, South Oldham High School
- "...our psychology teacher took her AP Psych class to U of L on a field trip. They did some of
their searching before they left SOHS using the KYVL and continued at U of L. It was great
that they had used the KYVL here and then used it there. I think it should really help how
students do in college, if they are already familiar with the KYVL before they leave high school."
- 9/20/00 - Rob Kelley, Librarian, McKendree College
- "Thanks for the quick response. Our students will be thrilled!!! I would also like to say that
I am extremely impressed with the KYVL. You and the rest of the staff there deserve kudos for
putting together such a wonderful resource."
- 6/27/00 - Dawn Blevins, Library Technician, Maysville Community College/KCTCS
- "This is so exciting, give everyone at KCVL a huge pat on the back. Kentucky is now a front
runner in all aspects of library services and technology in America. It is a wonderful feeling,
I'm truly amazed by all the dedication and work being done by KCVL. You all sure know how to
make a Kentuckian proud!"
- 4/19/00 - Ruth Miller, KCTCS
- "I have been pushing KCVL to students by having classes scheduled in
for one hour to introduce the site to them. We search for areas concerning
their area of education and a brief search to other areas of interest. They
are very interested. I also tell them how to get into the site off-campus.
I will start with the office staff in May. I send them info about the site
but they want a class. I find something new everyday when I'm doing
research.I am telling people in the public about the site. I wish there was
a way to broadcast to the public what a wonderful source of information this
kcvl is for them. I am going to have a class soon from a local church that
heard about the kcvl. I can't do much of this in the evening because of
time but I will do this class when I get permission."
- 4/14/00 - Ann Foust, North Marshall Middle, Calvert City
- "I just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the hard work behind the KCVL.
It is a wonderful asset."
- 3/10/00 - Marianne Haase, Villa Hills, KY
- "At this time I just want to commend the librarians involved in designing the interactive
module on Copyright. I am going to recommend this on a couple of listservs if that is okay.
This is truly a gem, it is exactly what we teach in the schools for which I work (K-12) and
I hope you will congratulate the authors."
- 3/1/00 - Jeff Sauer, Anderson County Public Library
- "I taught a community education introduction to
the virtual library Monday night. I just wanted to compliment you and
your staff on your tutorial program. Every time I use the site I enjoy
it more."
- 11/11/99 - David A. Holt, Hardin County Memorial Hospital Medical Library
- During one of KYVL's training sessions, Mr. Holt donated $250 out of
his own pocket to KYVL because he was grateful for what KYVL offers to his community.
- 10/8/99 - Robin S. Ison, Director, Mercer County Public Library
- "This is just a note of thanks for EBSCO! For our small public library, access to this database
is better than winning the lottery!
For literally months, we had anguished over purchasing the MAS database for our patrons,
but decided we simply could not afford it. So, to be able to access all the databases provided
by KCVL is more than we could have hoped for. When I announced this news at staff meeting this
week, there was an immediate "hooray" and a round of applause! Our staff is already using it
and we are beginning to acquaint our patrons on how to access it.
Thank you and the many people who have worked with you so long and hard to bring this great
opportunity to others throughout the Commonwealth! We�re grateful and excited about what it
can do in our library. Many, Many thanks."
Last Updated: 4/11/01