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How we select an External Website
- The Almanac of the Chronicle of Higher Education
- You can search here for higher education statistics for the year 2000. The site contains such things as, SAT and ACT data, financial aid infromation,
faculty salary information, trends in faculty employment, revenue and gift information, and more.
- Education World
- Education World is a search engine for educational Web sites only, a place
where educators could find information without searching the entire Internet.
- The Gateway
- "The Gateway provides the key to one-stop, any-stop access to high quality
Internet lesson plans, curriculum units and other education resources. Browse
subject and keyword lists, or search The Gateway. Retrieved records will link
directly to the Internet resources they describe - it's that easy!"
- Edsitement
- Edsitement is sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities and
is a gateway for education materials in the humanities. In addition, this
superior site contains lesson plans.
- Virtual Reference Desk (VRD)
- "The VRD is a digital reference service designed to answer questions of
students and educators by connecting them to a network of experts."
- Awesome Library
- "Awesome Library organizes the Web with 14,000 carefully reviewed resources,
including the top 5 percent in education." This site uses a common subject
classification to collect websites geared toward different audiences. Be sure
to choose your audience in the bar along the top of the page.
- The High School Hub
- The High School Hub is a gateway to excellent free online academic resources.
It features a ref desk, college info, and subject guides for English, math,
social studies, and science.
- Kentucky's Independent Colleges
and Universities
- The site gives information about Kentucky's private and independent colleges
and universities. It includes tips for getting in and financial aid opportunities.
- AskERIC Virtual Library
- "The AskERIC Virtual Library contains selected educational resources, most
of which are developed and/or maintained by AskERIC." This site is geared
toward helping educators. Browse through the lesson plans or check out the
special projects.
- Ben's Guide to U.S. Government
for Kids
- "Ben's Guide to US Government for Kids is the educational component
of GPO Access, the Government Printing Office's (GPO) free online service
of official Government information from all three branches of the US Government.
Ben's Guide provides information and activities specifically tailored for
educators, parents, and students in K-12. These resources can help teach about
our government and how it works." This site is "user friendly!"
kids, teachers, and parents will love it.
- Kentucky Center for
School Safety
- "This site serves as a clearinghouse for news, information, training,
and technical assistance on school violence prevention. The CSS is operated
by a consortium of three state universities (Eastern Kentucky University,
University of Kentucky, and Murray State University), with the assistance
of the Kentucky School Boards Association (KSBA)."
- Kentucky Education Association
- "KEA is the largest professional association in the state of Kentucky.
KEA is concerned with public education, children and teachers' employment
- Kentucky School Board Association
- "The Association provides information, professional development and
support services to local school boards across the state of Kentucky. Their
website includes links to education news, legislative advocacy, upcoming events,
job vacancies, and more."
- Take the Test Day
- Citizens can sample the tests that public school students take every spring as
part of the Commonwealth Accountability Testing System that measures school improvement.
This site is provided by the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE).
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last updated: 6/20/00