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Psychology, Philosophy:
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- NOESIS: Philosophical Research Online
- This site is a searchable index of philosophy on the Internet. NOESIS is an encyclopedic collection of philosophy authored by professionals in the field.
- Exploring Plato's Dialogues
- This web site is a reprint of the 3rd edition of John Burnet's famous study of Presocratic philosophy, Early Greek Philosophy. Exploring Plato's Dialogues, Greek Philosophy and its influences. This site is a storehouse of information for anyone doing research in Greek Philosophy and history.
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- PsychNet - American Psychological Association
- PsychNet provides a multitude of information in dealing with family & relationships, stress, and violence. One feature of the site is an overall search engine. From the Layperson to the professional, PyschNet provides valuable information to it users.
- Mental Help Net
- Created by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. It provides an easy-to-use and searchable resource in which to access mental health topics on the Internet. Mental Health Net is organized into three sections -- Disorders & Treatments, Professional Resources, and Reading Room. This site provides excellent resources for both the professional and layperson.
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- Britannica
Internet Guide - Religion
- Guide to religion-related websites from Atheism to Zen. Evaluations &
a state-of-the-art search engine help serious researchers locate reliable
information without getting lost in cyber-trash. This web site is easy
to navigate.
- Voice
of the Shuttle: Religious Studies Page
- A cornucopia of information for religious studies, included are resources
for the study of Christian, Islamic, and Jewish religions. In addition
to listing information by topic, Voice of the Shuttle offers a precise
searching feature.
- Ontario consultants
on Religious Tolerance
- While focusing on Christianity, this site provides a brief description
of the history and beliefs of religions and ethical belief systems throughout
the world. It also provides links to other sites on each religion.
- Religion-Online
- Religion Online is designed to assist professors, scholars and general
"seekers" who are interested in exploring religious issues.
It provides access to 1100 fulltext articles. Information on the authors
of these articles is provided.
- Religious Movements
- Created by a sociologist at the University of Virginia, this site was
originally built to focus on "new" religions. It has begun
to grow beyond that, with the definition of "new religion"
being problematic. It is a good place to find information on what are
commonly referred to as "cults."
- Virtual
Religion Index
- Created by the Rutgers Religion Department, this directory of websites
guides users to texts and descriptions of many religions.
- Encyclopedia
- This encyclopedia is an excellent resource for anyone doing research
in mythology. "It contains over 5700 definitions of gods and goddesses,
supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over
the world."
- Bibles.net
- Provides links to many different translations of the bible as well as concordances, and
audio versions. Site has a Christian point of view.
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last updated: 4/24/00