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Education: Kentucky | US
Education: Kentucky
- Adult Literacy Survey
- This report studies literacy levels and the effects of literacy on Kentuckians' quality of life.
- Kentucky Commonwealth Virtual University (KYVL)
- Our sister organization, the KYVL is Kentucky's one-stop place to access web-based distance education courses offered by Kentucky public and private universities and colleges. You can view program descriptions, the current course catalog and enroll in an online course at this website.
- Kentucky Community & Technical College System (KCTCS)
- Look here for information including programs offered, the fulltext of the current community college and technical college course catalogs, personnel policies, job listings, staff directory and links to individal KCTCS schools' websites.
- Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education
- The Council is responsible for general planning and overseeing the postsecondary education system in Kentucky. It also coordinates changes and improvements in Kentucky postsecondary institutions. This website provides access to Council publications, information about financial aid, colleges and universities and other postsecondary education-related matters.
- Kentucky Department of Education
- Find information about Kentucky's education system here including a calendar of events, professional development opportunities, the Kentucky Schools Directory and Education Statistics. Looking for a new job? KDE Job Opportunities may have just what you are looking for.
- Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority (KHEAA)
- KHEAA administers state and federal financial aid programs for college and university students in the state of Kentucky. Learn how to prepare for paying for higher education, search for scholarships, get online loan counseling and more.
- Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System
- KTRS administers the retirement system for eligible employees of " public elementary
and secondary schools, Eastern Kentucky University, Kentucky State
University, Morehead State University, Murray State University, Western
Kentucky University, the School for the Deaf, the School
for the Blind, the state and area vocational schools, the Department of
Education, and other agencies as specified by law." Many of their publications are available online. (PDF format)
- Long-term Policy Research Center
- This center provides research, data analysis, long-term strategic planning, coordination of resources and information across different branches and agencies of government and outreach to the public. The website includes a searchable database of recent articles produced by the Center on a variety of subjects ranging from Agriculture to Welfare and Poverty. Many of these articles, including Kentucky's Teachers: Charting a Course for KERA's Second Decade are available full-text online (PDF format).
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Education: US
- Ben's Guide
- This website from the U.S. Government Printing Office is an educational guide to federal government resources. It provides learning tools for K-12 students, teachers and parents.
- Edsitement
- This website sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Trust for the Humanities, et al is a "collection of the most valuable online resources for teaching English, history, art history, and foreign languages."
- National Center for Educational Statistics
- The site for this major publisher of educational statistics allows you to access The Condition of Education, The Digest of Education Statistics, and Projections of Education Statistics to 2008, among other resources. Be sure to look through their "Fast Facts". Also look through the drop-down menu for Education Statistics Quarterly, Nation's Report Card (NAEP) and Postsecondary Education Data (IPEDS).
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last updated: 3/24/00