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Agriculture: Kentucky
- KY Dept. of Agriculture
- This is the home page of the Kentucky Department of Agriculture and its divisions. Full-text forms are available from their Forms Library or you can buy something from the Country Store and Farm Store .
- Ky Agricultural Statistics Service
- This site contains full-text statistical resources concerning every aspect of Kentucky agriculture.
- Kentucky Tobacco Settlement Trust Corporation
- Check this site for information about payment inquiries, appeals, disputes, statistics, and a history of the settlement.
- Long-term Policy Research Center
- This center provides research, data analysis, long-term strategic planning, coordination of resources and information across different branches and agencies of government and outreach to the public. The website includes a searchable database of recent articles produced by the Center on a variety of subjects ranging from Agriculture to Welfare and Poverty. Many of these articles, including Farms, Factories and Free Trade and The Future of Burley Tobaccoare available fulltext online.(PDF format)
- Kentucky Economic Development Information System - Community Information
- For many years the Cabinet for Economic Development, Division of Research has published Resources for Economic Development community guides. Produced in partnership with local economic development contacts and the Division of Site Evaluation, the Economic Development Information System provides current local economic development data on every major community across the state in a continuously updated web-based format. Statistical information presented includes community population, education, and employment by major industry.
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Information Systems: Kentucky
- Emerging Technologies Report
- This is a series of reports on the use of and potential applications for new technologies by the state of Kentucky.
- Governor's Office for Technology
- This site provides access to statewide technology information, resources and other technology services.
- Information Resources Management Commission, KY (KIRM)
- "The Commission is responsible for coordinating the application of information technology and resources in the executive branch and public universities." Full-text resources available on this site include 2000-2002 Information Resources Plan GAP Analysis (PDF format) and Strategic Planning for Information Technology .
- Kentucky Information Highway
- The full-text of the vision/overview/history of Kentucky's plans for a modern state-of-the-art communications network.
- Long-term Policy Research Center
- This center provides research, data analysis, long-term strategic planning, coordination of resources and information across different branches and agencies of government and outreach to the public. The website includes a searchable database of recent articles produced by the Center on a variety of subjects ranging from Agriculture to Welfare and Poverty. Many of these articles, including The Circuits Come to Town are available fulltext online.(PDF format)
Information Systems: U.S.
- Office of Government-wide Policy
- This office provides links to policies and guidelines of various Federal agencies for service contracts, travel and transportation services, e-commerce and smart cards.
- Council of State Governments
- This site provides a network of resources to assist state officials with implementing effective policy and programs. It is a free service to state officials and is available by subscription to the public.
- States Inventory Project
- This site provides "a single clearinghouse for tracking state information infrastructure
strategies and activities".
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Transportation: Kentucky
- Transportation Cabinet
- This site gives you "access to the information you need to travel safely, legally and efficiently in Kentucky". Check the map of Kentucky road conditions for up-to-date daily road reports.
- Transportation Research Center (Univ. of KY)
- This site includes many full-text research reports concerning transportation issues, such as traffic and safety and transportation and the environment. The Kentucky Transportation Directory is available here. (In PDF Format)
Transportation: U.S.
- Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- "BTS compiles, analyzes, and makes accessible information on the Nation's
transportation systems". Many full-text statistical resources are available through the bureau's National Transportation Library including American Travel Survey (Kentucky).(PDF format)
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last updated: 4/11/01