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Government Finance: Kentucky
- Finance & Administration Cabinet
- The Cabinet "provides management, oversight, and policy direction to state government programs". Finance & Administration Links provides access to the resources of the various agencies of the Finance and Administration Cabinet, including Internet Service Providers , Information Technology Training Schedule and Services and KHEAA Publications .
- Governor's Office for Policy & Management
- One of the responsibilities of this office is publishing the
Current Budget.
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Justice: Kentucky
- Attorney General
- The Attorney General's web site provides links to many useful resources including Child Support Enforcement Commission, Victims Advocacy and numerous useful online publications.
- Public Advocacy, Dept. of
- The Department provides web access to many of its resources including the journal The Advocate and Public Defender Case Load Report.
- State Police
- The State Police web site provides annual statistics on crime in Kentucky for 1995,1996 and 1997(PDF format) and annual statistics on traffic in Kentucky for 1995,1996 and 1997.(PDF format)
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Justice: U.S.
- Federal Bureau of Investigation
- The Bureau's Uniform Crime Reports (PDF Format) "provides a nationwide view of crime based on the submission of statistics by law enforcement agencies throughout the country".
- The U.S.Department of Justice
- The Department's Bureau of Justice Statistics can be searched for statistics of relevance to Kentucky.
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Legislative Information: Kentucky
- Board of Elections
- The Board provides links to various election-related resources including Election Results, and a Voter's Guide. You can also register to vote online.
- Kentucky Revised Statutes
- This unofficial web version of the Kentucky Revised Statutes is sponsored by the Legislative Research Commission. It may be searched by title & chapter or keyword/phrase.
- Legislative Research Commission
- The Commission provides research services for the Kentucky State Legislature. It also publishes guides to the legislative process-LRC Publications and research reports.
- Long-term Policy Research Center
- This center provides research, data analysis, long-term strategic planning, coordination of resources and information across different branches and agencies of government and outreach to the public. The website includes a searchable database of recent articles produced by the Center on a variety of subjects ranging from Agriculture to Welfare and Poverty. Many of these articles, including The Leadership Challenge Ahead are available fulltext online.(PDF format)
Legislative Information: U.S.
- House Of Representatives
- This site provides information on all aspects of the House of Representatives. In addition, the searchable fulltext of the U.S. Code is available here. You can also contact your representative online.
- THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
- This is a searchable database of federal legislative information. Some of the things you can do are search for bills sponsored by your representative or senator, look at the roll call votes, search for legislation about specific subjects or by bill number.
- U.S. Senate
- This site provides information on all aspects of the United States Senate. You can contact your senator, get information about committees and legislative activities, search the Biographical Directory and much more at this site.
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Regulatory Agencies: Kentucky
- Attorney General
- The Attorney General's web site provides links to many useful resources including Protecting Your Right to Know: the Kentucky Open Records and Open Meetings Acts.
- Board of Elections
- The Board provides links to various election-related resources including Election Results, and a Voter's Guide. You can also register to vote online.
- Division of Fire Prevention
- This office enforces various safety codes. The website links to the various programs of the Division, including the Kentucky Fire Commission , Hazardous Materials, Fire Protection Systems, and Inspections.
- Governor's Office for Policy and Management
- One of the responsibilities of this office is publishing the
Current Budget.
- Kentucky Labor Cabinet
- This regulatory agency is concerned with all aspects of the employer-employee relationship, including occupational safety and health, wage and hours, child labor, and workers' compensation.
- Kentucky Registry of Election Finance
- The Registry provides election statistics, information on candidates and Guides and Brochures .
Regulatory Agencies: U.S.
- Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- The EPA web site has many resources of relevance to Kentucky. Search EPA publications for specific Kentucky-related environmental issues such as Maxey Flats Nuclear Disposal or the 1995 report on the Bluegrass Depot .
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last updated: 2/28/00