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- Home School Enrollment by District-Kentucky, 1998-1999
- This site gives the number of home schools and number of students by Kentucky school district for 1998-1999.
- Information Digest, 1987-1996
- The Kentucky Council on Postsecondary Education's Information Digest provides statistics on higher education in Kentucky. Statistics include enrollment by age, race, gender and major. It also gives information on degrees conferred, faculty and staff, finances, facilities, and independent institutions.
- Kentucky Education Facts
- Kentucky Education Facts provides a brief page of statistics covering all aspects of education in Kentucky. Links to Kentucky agencies providing the statistical information for each category are provided.
- Kentucky High School Student Drop Outs
- This graph shows the annual percent for the years 1991-1997 of Kentucky high school students who drop out.
- Kentucky Safe Schools Project
- The Center for School Safety's Kentucky Safe Schools Project compiles statistics on prevention programs, law violations, firearms expulsions, disciplinary actions and security measures in Kentucky schools.
Last Updated: 02/06/01