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Welcome to the Kentucky Statistical Abstract!
These pages are designed to provide a collection of links to web-based sources of statistical information about Kentucky from local, state, federal and non-governmental sources.
Sources are organized under broad subject headings based on the chapter headings from the Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Use the blue column on the left side of the web page to navigate.
If you have government information expertise and would like to participate in this project as a contributor-
- Read the Guidelines for Contributors.
- Choose an area from the list of topics available.
- Contact Jackie Kinder at KYVL.
- Rachel Augello, Government Publications Librarian, University of Louisville
- Gary Austin,Head of Periodicals & Documents, Morehead State University
- Beverly Daley, Kentucky State Data Center, University of Louisville
- Brian Erb, Louisville Free Public Library
- Claudia Fitch, Louisville Free Public Library
- Roxanna Jones, University of Kentucky
- Shawn Livingston, University of Kentucky
- Rosemary Meszaros, Western Kentucky University
- Bill Richardson, State Publications Coordinator, Kentucky Dept. for Libraries and Archives
- Rae Shepherd-Schlecter, Patents and Trademarks Librarian, Louisville Free Public Library
- Barbara Whitener, Government Resources Specialist, University of Louisville
- Pat Yannarella, Boone County Public Library
- Phil Yannarella, Documents Librarian, Northern Kentucky University
Last Updated: 11/03/00