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Brian Erb, Louisville Free Public Library
- Kentucky Atlas and Gazetteer
The University of Kentucky provides this Kentucky Atlas that gives a detailed description of the geographic regions of Kentucky. Click on an area of the map for a detailed description. Within each region you can click on a county for facts about that county. You can also search the Gazetteer for Kentucky place names.
- Kentucky Counties
This site gives basic geographical facts about Kentucky's counties.
- Kentucky Facts from Kentucky Tourism
Kentucky Tourism provides this page of Kentucky Facts that includes geographical information on the state.
- Kentucky Geological Survey
This site is an excellent source of information on Kentucky geography. From the web site:
"The mission of the Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) is to provide for citizens, researchers, industry, and government, scientifically based information on Kentucky's geology and mineral and water resources. KGS conducts research, collects data, and serves as the State's official archive for data on petroleum, coal, minerals, ground water, and topographic and geologic maps. A diverse research program is supported principally by grants from federal and state agencies and industry. Research investigations include the study of water resources, geologic mapping, oil and natural gas resources, coal and minerals, and geologic hazards."
- Kentucky Geographical Facts from Mike Parker Real Estate
Realtor Mike Parker has assembled this succinct page of Kentucky facts that includes some geographical information about the State.
- Kentucky Geographical Facts from the University of Kentucky
An overview of Kentucky's geography, including statistics and links.
- Kentucky Maps
This site provides a variety of Kentucky atlases and a nice list of links to sites dealing with Kentucky geography.
- Kentucky River and Stream Flow Levels
This site provides real-time river and stream flow statistics for rivers in Kentucky.
- Ozone Pollution-Kentucky/Indiana
This site provided by the Environmental Protection Agency provides current and historical data on smog and ambient ozone levels in Northern Kentucky and Southern Indiana.
- Ozone Pollution - Kentucky/Tennessee
This site provided by the Environmental Protection Agency provides current and historical data on smog and ambient ozone levels in Southern Kentucky and Tennessee.
- United States Geological Survey Kentucky District
This site from the U.S. Geological Survey provides a variety of geographic information on Kentucky including real-time hydrologic data.
Last Updated: 02/06/01