(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 304,280
Average successful requests per day: 9,816
Successful requests for pages: 35,880
Average successful requests for pages per day: 1,157
Failed requests: 2,064
Redirected requests: 5,825
Distinct files requested: 5,507
Distinct hosts served: 6,838
Corrupt logfile lines: 1
Unwanted logfile entries: 82,094
Data transferred: 823.918 Mbytes
Average data transferred per day: 26.582 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,000
requests for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ------: -----: Jul 2000: 304280: 35880:Busiest month: Jul 2000 (35,880 requests for pages).![]()
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 250
requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: -----: -----: Sun: 20888: 2946:Mon: 64312: 9504:
Tue: 41739: 4413:
Wed: 54950: 6159:
Thu: 51895: 5410:
Fri: 44180: 4966:
Sat: 26316: 2482:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 80
requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 6469: 2512:1: 2997: 448:
2: 1767: 330:
3: 2023: 482:
4: 1714: 345:
5: 1643: 341:
6: 2050: 387:
7: 3723: 411:
8: 11511: 1132:
9: 23051: 2307:
10: 28552: 3128:
11: 27456: 2575:
12: 22242: 2258:
13: 25264: 2525:
14: 27308: 2833:
15: 26059: 2675:
16: 21557: 2379:
17: 14097: 1898:
18: 10171: 1129:
19: 9565: 948:
20: 9535: 1804:
21: 8804: 1031:
22: 9532: 1281:
23: 7190: 721:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: domain ------: ------: ------ 304280: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 59059: 15.67%: 162 58856: 15.61%: 162.114 10810: 4.45%: 162.114.24 5439: 1.31%: (Kentucky Dept of Education) 23188: 10.60%: 128 21929: 9.23%: 128.163 (University of Kentucky) 610: 0.82%: 128.135 35516: 10.33%: 216 14806: 4.16%: 216.69 (KCTCS) 7579: 1.92%: 216.249 4608: 1.32%: 216.68 24187: 8.06%: 208 4076: 2.88%: 208.155 27223: 7.88%: 205 16144: 4.12%: 205.204 8051: 2.92%: 205.188 23694: 7.68%: 209 4963: 1.63%: 209.209 3562: 1.17%: 209.252 3524: 1.05%: 209.250 1913: 0.72%: 209.255 1927: 0.58%: 209.214 13752: 6.25%: 207 3866: 3.31%: 207.153 15363: 4.99%: 63 1470: 0.50%: 63.27 12406: 3.38%: 206 2321: 0.83%: 206.28 2679: 0.74%: 206.112 5971: 2.45%: 152 4983: 1.66%: 152.163 668: 0.57%: 152.3 6471: 2.00%: 12 7098: 1.97%: 198 2282: 0.64%: 198.69 2173: 0.63%: 198.160 6482: 1.86%: 24 4071: 1.62%: 64 734: 0.66%: 64.209 1799: 0.55%: 64.89 876: 1.25%: 130 283: 0.75%: 130.207 3719: 1.21%: 204 3645: 1.09%: 147 3198: 0.97%: 147.133 3441: 0.99%: 192 2065: 0.59%: 192.122 325: 0.89%: 141 2477: 0.89%: 136 2413: 0.86%: 136.165 (University of Louisville) 2452: 0.85%: 199 2659: 0.82%: 161 2559: 0.79%: 161.6 2105: 0.62%: 157 2056: 0.60%: 157.89 1350: 0.50%: 38
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ------: ------: ------------ 304280: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last date: file ------: ------: ---------------: ---- 12502: 5.41%: 31/Jul/00 23:53: / 1711: 1.92%: 31/Jul/00 23:16: /kcvl/html/ref/ref.shtml 1500: 1.35%: 31/Jul/00 23:49: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/digilibcoll.htm 1268: 0.10%: 24/Jul/00 00:10: /kentuckiana/rawsgml/ 1256: 0.51%: 31/Jul/00 21:39: /kcvl/html/about/about.shtml 941: 0.78%: 31/Jul/00 23:42: /kcvl/html/gia/gia.shtml 700: 0.44%: 31/Jul/00 23:24: /kcvl/html/about/services.shtml 397: 1.05%: 31/Jul/00 19:46: /kcvl/html/ref/subgeneral.shtml 359: 0.22%: 31/Jul/00 20:04: /kcvl/html/about/docdel.shtml 359: 0.14%: 31/Jul/00 20:09: /kcvl/html/about/kyhomepages.shtml 356: 0.35%: 31/Jul/00 16:50: /kcvl/html/ref/subeducation.shtml 338: 0.30%: 31/Jul/00 23:16: /kcvl/html/ref/subarc.shtml 299: 0.13%: 31/Jul/00 21:24: /kcvl/html/about/committees.shtml 291: 0.21%: 31/Jul/00 22:16: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/findaidscoll.htm 258: 0.06%: 24/Jul/00 00:10: /kentuckiana/rawsgml/eku/ 257: 0.12%: 31/Jul/00 20:40: /kcvl/html/ref/helpform.shtml 251: 0.84%: 31/Jul/00 19:47: /kcvl/html/about/databases/alldatabasedesc.shtml 247: 0.16%: 31/Jul/00 22:57: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/photoscoll.htm 238: 0.08%: 31/Jul/00 22:14: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/webbkscoll.htm 209: 0.27%: 31/Jul/00 22:35: /kcvl/html/ref/subhistoryus.shtml 195: 0.40%: 31/Jul/00 19:45: /kcvl/html/ref/subhumanities.shtml 183: 0.16%: 31/Jul/00 21:16: /kcvl/html/gia/archeology.shtml 182: 0.27%: 31/Jul/00 18:18: /kcvl/html/gia/polisci.shtml 180: 0.12%: 31/Jul/00 21:42: /kcvl/html/about/whatsnew.shtml 177: 0.23%: 31/Jul/00 17:25: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/introcoll.htm 170: 0.17%: 31/Jul/00 21:44: /kcvl/html/about/databases/databases.shtml 169: 0.17%: 31/Jul/00 22:31: /kcvl/html/gia/education.shtml 159: 0.13%: 31/Jul/00 23:17: /kcvl/html/gia/general.shtml 156: 0.21%: 31/Jul/00 09:56: /kcvl/html/ref/subpoli.shtml 148: 0.13%: 31/Jul/00 20:33: /kcvl/html/ref/subscience.shtml 143: 0.22%: 31/Jul/00 15:17: /kcvl/html/ref/subsocsci.shtml 137: 0.09%: 31/Jul/00 17:40: /kcvl/html/about/committees/webz.shtml 133: 0.05%: 31/Jul/00 16:46: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/oralhistcoll.htm 132: 0.37%: 31/Jul/00 22:14: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/helpcoll.htm 125: 0.08%: 31/Jul/00 16:22: /kcvl/html/gia/historyus.shtml 120: 0.14%: 31/Jul/00 09:56: /kcvl/html/ref/submedicine.shtml 118: 0.05%: 31/Jul/00 15:32: /kcvl/html/about/reach.shtml 117: 0.21%: 31/Jul/00 16:07: /kcvl/html/gia/business.shtml 108: 0.04%: 31/Jul/00 21:40: /kcvl/html/about/statistics.shtml 103: 0.06%: 31/Jul/00 21:40: /kcvl/html/about/imagelinks.shtml 277588: 82.26%: 31/Jul/00 23:53: [not listed: 2,166 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)