(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Successful requests: 598,847
Average successful requests per day: 19,322
Successful requests for pages: 50,581
Average successful requests for pages per day: 1,632
Failed requests: 4,912
Redirected requests: 5,086
Distinct files requested: 3,125
Distinct hosts served: 6,883
Unwanted logfile entries: 480
Data transferred: 1.346 Gbytes
Average data transferred per day: 44.480 Mbytes
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 1,500
requests for pages or part thereof.
month: reqs: pages: --------: ------: -----: Dec 2000: 598847: 50581:Busiest month: Dec 2000 (50,581 requests for pages).![]()
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 250
requests for pages or part thereof.
day: reqs: pages: ---: ------: -----: Sun: 46914: 4626:Mon: 93412: 7796:
Tue: 92999: 8012:
Wed: 97586: 7409:
Thu: 101280: 8262:
Fri: 114513: 9479:
Sat: 52143: 4997:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Each unit () represents 150
requests for pages or part thereof.
hr: reqs: pages: --: -----: -----: 0: 8616: 993:1: 5970: 789:
2: 4142: 548:
3: 4270: 484:
4: 5203: 578:
5: 4004: 571:
6: 4395: 622:
7: 9049: 863:
8: 24036: 2276:
9: 52869: 3529:
10: 46921: 3551:
11: 48040: 3652:
12: 46120: 4285:
13: 52629: 4737:
14: 48685: 4356:
15: 53991: 3809:
16: 39618: 3025:
17: 26554: 2111:
18: 22576: 1747:
19: 22117: 1844:
20: 21127: 1801:
21: 19510: 1657:
22: 15782: 1340:
23: 12623: 1413:
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: domain ------: ------: ------ 598847: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses] 180544: 20.24%: 162 179936: 20.13%: 162.114 62590: 3.86%: 162.114.24 32826: 15.48%: 128 31797: 15.21%: 128.163 (University of Kentucky) 53683: 8.18%: 216 15830: 2.09%: 216.69 (KCTCS) 11702: 1.66%: 216.249 8938: 1.33%: 216.68 38522: 7.97%: 209 10280: 1.60%: 209.250 5728: 1.24%: 209.252 4684: 0.93%: 209.209 32215: 5.89%: 63 3020: 0.54%: 63.27 2370: 0.52%: 63.31 29552: 5.27%: 208 4074: 0.54%: 208.47 54037: 5.20%: 205 37659: 2.70%: 205.204 11542: 1.65%: 205.188 19367: 3.61%: 206 3987: 0.75%: 206.112 3433: 0.58%: 206.28 16657: 3.44%: 64 5240: 0.90%: 64.89 1234: 0.76%: 64.208 4321: 0.68%: 64.12 14730: 2.98%: 207 3473: 0.52%: 207.162 8892: 2.35%: 204 3449: 0.84%: 204.68 794: 0.68%: 204.123 10966: 2.32%: 24 3060: 0.57%: 24.4 26867: 2.03%: 170 9884: 0.60%: 170.182 7878: 0.57%: 170.185 8803: 1.49%: 12 6779: 1.25%: 198 7721: 1.24%: 161 7360: 1.17%: 161.6 5928: 0.84%: 152 5780: 0.80%: 152.163 4524: 0.81%: 136 4182: 0.74%: 136.165 (University of Louisville) 4272: 0.78%: 4 3758: 0.61%: 192 1895: 0.59%: 212 3429: 0.57%: 66
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Listing organisations, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: organisation ------: ------: ------------ 598847: 100%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)
Listing files with at least 100 requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: %bytes: last date: file ------: ------: ---------------: ---- 15474: 7.08%: 31/Dec/00 23:39: / 6876: 1.33%: 31/Dec/00 23:50: /kcvl/html/k12/k12.shtml 2418: 1.67%: 31/Dec/00 23:39: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/digilibcoll.shtml 1334: 0.87%: 31/Dec/00 22:16: /kcvl/html/ref/ref.shtml 834: 0.21%: 31/Dec/00 16:29: /kcvl/html/about/about.shtml 817: 0.22%: 31/Dec/00 23:12: /kcvl/html/kentuckians/kentuckians.shtml 726: 0.36%: 31/Dec/00 23:02: /kcvl/html/gia/gia.shtml 652: 0.25%: 31/Dec/00 20:55: /kcvl/html/teachers/teachers.shtml 649: 0.51%: 31/Dec/00 18:34: /kcvl/html/kyvustudents/students.shtml 470: 0.34%: 31/Dec/00 16:16: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/findaidscoll.shtml 413: 0.18%: 31/Dec/00 23:18: /kcvl/html/about/services.shtml 389: 0.10%: 31/Dec/00 16:40: /kcvl/html/about/kyhomepages.shtml 359: 0.58%: 31/Dec/00 16:55: /kcvl/html/ref/subgeneral.shtml 314: 0.23%: 31/Dec/00 18:57: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/projects.shtml 312: 0.77%: 31/Dec/00 13:28: /kcvl/html/about/committees/collections/databasesurveyform.shtml 303: 0.64%: 31/Dec/00 18:36: /kcvl/html/about/databases/alldatabasedesc.shtml 280: 0.11%: 31/Dec/00 18:24: /kcvl/html/ref/helpform.shtml 269: : 31/Dec/00 19:51: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/digilibcoll.htm 257: 0.14%: 31/Dec/00 23:14: /kcvl/html/ref/subarc.shtml 255: 0.06%: 31/Dec/00 16:13: /kcvl/html/kyvufaculty/kyvufaculty.shtml 246: 0.14%: 31/Dec/00 13:23: /kcvl/html/about/docdel.shtml 232: 0.10%: 31/Dec/00 13:02: /kcvl/html/maintext.shtml 229: 0.08%: 31/Dec/00 19:05: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/webbkscoll.shtml 222: 1.10%: 31/Dec/00 22:13: /kcvl/html/about/kylibscounty.shtml 208: 0.17%: 31/Dec/00 23:04: /kcvl/html/ref/subhistoryus.shtml 205: 0.06%: 30/Dec/00 15:37: /kcvl/html/about/docdel/statistics.shtml 201: 0.23%: 31/Dec/00 17:45: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/introcoll.shtml 192: 0.05%: 31/Dec/00 13:23: /kcvl/html/about/committees.shtml 187: 0.16%: 31/Dec/00 13:23: /kcvl/html/ref/subpoli.shtml 179: 0.05%: 30/Dec/00 23:13: /kcvl/html/about/stats/stats.shtml 178: 0.23%: 31/Dec/00 18:06: /kcvl/html/ref/subhumanities.shtml 178: 0.38%: 31/Dec/00 19:45: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/helpcoll.shtml 150: 0.07%: 31/Dec/00 21:16: /kcvl/html/ref/subscience.shtml 150: 0.09%: 31/Dec/00 21:17: /kcvl/html/ref/subeducation.shtml 142: 0.12%: 31/Dec/00 13:23: /kcvl/html/ref/subsocsci.shtml 137: 0.04%: 31/Dec/00 20:00: /kcvl/html/kentuckians/idpass.shtml 136: 0.05%: 31/Dec/00 10:19: /kentuckiana/digilibcoll/oralhistcoll.shtml 126: 0.06%: 31/Dec/00 23:02: /kcvl/html/gia/archeology.shtml 123: 0.03%: 31/Dec/00 18:24: /kcvl/html/kentuckians/findarticles.shtml 120: 0.11%: 31/Dec/00 17:29: /kcvl/html/gia/polisci.shtml 113: 0.03%: 31/Dec/00 16:19: /kcvl/html/kentuckians/findbooks.shtml 113: 0.05%: 31/Dec/00 13:21: /kcvl/html/gia/historyus.shtml 113: 0.08%: 31/Dec/00 16:26: /kcvl/html/ref/submedicine.shtml 106: 0.09%: 31/Dec/00 18:00: /kcvl/html/kentuckians/navigate.shtml 105: 0.06%: 31/Dec/00 16:38: /kcvl/html/about/databases/databases.shtml 104: 0.05%: 30/Dec/00 02:26: /kcvl/html/teachers/reading.shtml 103: 0.03%: 31/Dec/00 23:32: /kcvl/html/about/whatsnew.shtml 102: 0.05%: 31/Dec/00 23:03: /kcvl/html/gia/general.shtml 101: 0.09%: 30/Dec/00 16:11: /kcvl/html/ref/copyright.shtml 560945: 80.51%: 31/Dec/00 23:42: [not listed: 2,767 files]
(Go To: Top: General Summary: Monthly Report: Daily Summary: Hourly Summary: Domain Report: Organisation Report: Request Report)